Jun 17, 2010 00:06
So as I mentioned before, I'm working on a novel. Actually, I'm working on two novels! One is high fantasy, very much in the vein of LOTR and very much inspired by it. And the other one is a story about a superhero, set a few decades in the future, and heavily inspired by a blend of POTO and The Shadow. LOL No surprises there!
The trouble is that every superhero needs a good name, and all the ones I've thought of are bloody well already taken! I came up with several that conveyed the sense that I wanted. But then when I Googled them, they were all already in use by various other books, bands, entertainment companies, etc,. Some are even already superhero names curse it! So I don't know what to do now. I don't know whether to just go ahead and use the one I like best anyway, or to try to come up with something else. But A, I want to be original, and B, I don't want to piss anybody off by having them think I pilfered their idea! So I don't know what to do. And it's very annoying!