Jul 12, 2007 02:08
1. Write the Phantom Phan's equivalent of Christian fiction. That is, fiction that lets the non-Phan into our experience, or at least mine, and lets them feel how and why Phantom is so powerful for some of us.
2. Make music-videos that do the same thing, and also that bring out the social justice meaning in POTO.
3. Get Phans together who are interested in doing social justice work from a perspective of Phantom's message, namely that no one should have to experience the life that Erik knew.
4. to get together a rock-band, musically along the lines of Evanessence, of fellow Phans to sing about the themes and issues in POTO: anti-exclusion and social justice, sensuality and sexuality, darkness, love, passion, inspiration, etc,.
These are ambitions that I'm actually serious about, in case anybody's interested. I've just always been too shy to pursue them because I was afraid that they're too koocky. But, in writing them out, I don't think they are. I've actually made some attempts at number 1, at least in short-story form. I probably won't do number 2, because it's too visual. But the rest I'd really like to do! LOL, though for number 4, I've also always worried that I don't have the personality. I have very strong ideas, both musically and topically, of what I'd want to do, that it'd be hard to let go of if the other band members didn't want to do them. But at the same time, I wouldn't want it to be just my show with them as just back-up. LOL I'm not quite that egocentric. I actually am working on a couple of songs which are inspired by and based in Phantom, one of which I've actually got done! I've also written a couple which are not overtly Phantom-grounded, but are firmly grounded in some of the political and social issues that I think Phantom speaks to. And I might get the chance to perform some of them this fall! Student Christian Movement is thinking of having our own bash to coincide wwith the start-of-year fest at our university, and I think that our co-ordinator might ask me to sing some of my songs there. I hope so! That'd be cool!
secret ambitions