Wow! Is it ten-thirty in the morning already?

Jun 15, 2007 10:36

LOL my clock batteries kicked the bucket.

Anyway, hallelujah! I appear to be back online at home, keep fingers crossed and knock on wood copiously. My property-manager fixed something on Tuesday, don't know what, and it's more or less held in since then although I was offline again for most of yesterday. I was afraid I'd have to call him in again to fix it, but my connection came back on of it's own accord last night. Thank all deities! That was getting nuts!

In other news, screw myspace! I tried to sign up for them so that I'd have a place to get my music known a bit more widely than on facebook, but they have the same inaccessible feature that facebook just got rid of. The difference is, when I let facebook know that that feature was inaccessible, they got back to me right away and fixed the problem within a week. By contrast, I still haven't had a reply to my email to myspace letting them know about the issue. How rude! How annoying! So I'll probably get one of the free webspaces for bands and artists that I saw while searching through the google directory instead.

In still other news, I have been totally inspired by the fact that dracschic is about to become a published author! Wow! So this, combined with wanting to have the sense of meaning in my life that I find in Phantom, combined with the fact that I think I've finally figured out how to use LJ cuts, has made me decide to get my shit together with my own writing and composing. So look out for some of my short stories which I'll be posting soon!

In other sad news, Phantom leaves town the day after tommorrow! God I'll miss it! It was so wonderful having it around again! I'm hoping, please God I can still get a ticket, to go see it one last time this week-end, hopefully tommorrow night. And I think I'm going to go in costume. I've been going to class in my cape and hat, and it's become kind of my signature. But I think I might just go all out for seeing the show one more time! And of course I'll post a review.

Anyway, I'd better get going. Although I don't really feel like it, I need to get up to campus and get some help with a damned OSAP (student loan) form, then go meet with people from SCM, and then come back later and finish reading Edmund Burke on the French Revolution. Then I have to start Frankenstein and The Secret Agent. LOL my own fault for procrastinating earlier in the term, but I'm now way behind in my reading and I've got to do a paper on some of that reading this week too!

technology, life, school, phantom!, creativity

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