Apr 26, 2007 19:01
My blasted enrollment window is still not open! *shrug* Will have to haul ass over to Financial Services tommorrow morning and find out what the hang-up is. I hope it's nothing serious. First of all, I'd really like to get registered so that I can talk to Special Services about my books, and then put it out of my head while I move and sort storage stuff. But secondly, only a fraction of the full course possibilities are ever offered in Summer, and those that are are filling up fast. As it is, I've already had a heck of a time finding courses that I like, which don't conflict with each other and which don't put me home at 10:30 at night, which still have seats available. I'd hate for them to fill up while I'm arguing with bureaucracy!
In other news, Tuesday, May 1st, is apparently "Blogging Against Abilityism" day, which I've never heard of before but which sounds like a really cool idea. Anyway, I'd love to write and submit something for it, but I can't think what. The ideas just aren't coming. I think I'm feeling self-conscious because I haven't really been involved in the disability rights movement very much, so I feel like I'd kind of be jumping in where I don't have much to go on outside of my own somewhat limited experience. Plus, I can't really think of anything to say at the moment that hasn't already been said a thousand times before. I hope I'll come up with something though, and I hope I can find the time to write it amidst all the moving and stuff. That's probably also where the writer's block is coming from. I've been so caught up in the moving that I've hardly had time to give it really good consideration. As I said though, I hope I will be able to find the time to do so.
disability activism