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Sep 25, 2005 23:18

ahh, what a plesent life style...

pretty rain, dark sky's everyone is angry except me... what a change. but thats the way i like it.
ahh yes peeps today was a somewhat... different day.

work twas boring, as per usual.. none the less, after that i went back to my lil home on a little hill.. and sat in my room painting..

matt, (my friend at work) said that he would teach me how to play the GUI..TAR, and even offered to lend me one of his many guitars, and i was like umm okay ur gaim haha, until he said to me in a calm yet some what intense manner, if u brake the guitar i will kill you, that my friends is when i changed my mind about borrowing his guitar! hahah.. anyways, i coloured my hair today, hope u peeps like it. guess what my mum said.... she said to me "chantelle, u need to stop listening to angry music" and i was like what? mum what kind of angry music?? and she replied " the kind that makes u anggry" hahah poor muffin she dont know what shes on about, all the medication is messin with her head!!

eeeww, i just had a health bar, lets see what is it called..... ah yes cashewNut and honey bar, but this is where im confused, why did the bar taste nothing like what the wrapper said, that being cashew nut and honey?? but it tasted like... chicken.. wrong on so many levels, fuck man that pisses me off, what a rip, just like that time when lauren and i got us some mentos and got jiped on that 2!!! hahah oh funny times

god dam it my lip hurts like all hell.. meh meh mii muu meh.

kitty kitty mooaaaw!!! catch u losers in hell (*hell being school*) hahahaha ps:: cant fight the moonlight mother f*ckers!!!!!

jitterbug wooo stop with the caaarrzy spanish shit, just blam canada!
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