worst day EVA

Apr 29, 2005 17:01

wow... i dont think ive eva felt this way... tis depressed and in disbelief. the feelingz havent changed , but the title has, now there isnt a title for wut used 2 be. wut used 2 b was the best feeling. the feeling of love and devotion and happiness every time u thought about them. everythin reminded u of tem and u nev stopped thinkin bout them... .:* sigh *:.i used 2 think i was in love with th otha guyz i went out with but now i know i wasnt. cz i have neva felt this 4 nebody... EVA! now that itz gone i dont kno wut 2 do... i feel so empty and alone... like a part of me has been torn away and ill neva b the same without it. =( i dont kno wut 2 do... got ne suggestionz? ill listen no matta who u r...
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