the most impromptu fiction fishbowl ever

Sep 30, 2013 01:10

Okay. I'm not nearly so organized about this as
ysabetwordsmith or any of the other fishbowl hosts I've seen, but I need to get something out there for starters. donation button to be added once I figure out just how to do that. I know I had the details once, but I need to find them again.

Fiction fishbowl time. :)

Give me a prompt - a character, a setting, a theme, a specific phrase to play with, a concept - and I'll do my best to write fic from it. I'll privately send the results to the person who gave the prompt, just for their own reading pleasure, but the fics themselves will be up for sponsorship. There'll be a list, possibly added to this post, possibly in another one, with a donation button attached. That'll be updated as quickly and frequently as it can be, to minimize the possibility of
double donating. Fair warning, I'm away from social media during weekdays North American central time due to work.

Please, fire at will. I'm not doing this for the money, although earning something for my work is a nice prospect. I said this to my father earlier today, and I meant it. At the end of the day, I'm a writer. At the end of the day I tell stories. Losing that part of me is like losing a left hand.

I'd like it back.

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