In short: Work's rough, but there are definitely good points. I'll go into more of that later. I know, time to flee when that happens. :P Much of today has, to borrow a phrase from Betty Ross a la
ysabetwordsmith, sucked green pennies from the bottom of an empty budget, and I am done with it. I said that to the bus driver on the way home, and he got a laugh out of it. :) To heck with today.
Prompt call! Say that in the style of a leader of some sort shouting over a cheerful crowd and you've got what I'm going for.
Prompt me, folken? I'd especially like orange!verse prompts
right now - Kendra, any of the orange!Schrodinger's team, other people in Galena, folks on the Canadian side of the border, people in Hilversum... or any other something or someone I haven't thought of yet. Take your pick. Milliways can work too, but I'd really love it if people tossed a few orange!verse prompts at me.
Fire when ready.
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