As the subject says, I'm home again. I suspect that my parents are still slightly thrown by my calling this place home, but it is. Granted I did much the same when I was living at Whitewater. Same general idea, only this is much more permanent, touch a forest worth of wood.
Still job-seeking. Still getting a whole lot of nowhere as yet. Hopefully that changes in the near future... and again with the forestful of wood coming in useful. Got a QSL card from Radio Netherlands in the mail yesterday. To use a little shorthand, V. V. brilliant! However, it was for the marathon broadcast that heralded the end of their Dutch service. V. V. sad. I will forever <3 RNW, whatever the language.
Retriever rescue stories of the 'rainbow bridge' variety make me cry. Word to the wise: Don't read those. You will be weepy and plagued with feelings of inadequacy as regards your own fuzzy dog by turns. At least, you will if you're me.
On a far brighter note, the capitol is still a friendly place, State Street is as well (diagonal intersections notwithstanding, because they rather break that rule) and frozen strawberries are nomful.
This is a very disjointed entry. Whoops?!
Showers are also nice. *scurries off accordingly*
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