Yes, this RL, to elaborate on the last entry.
Regarding the ow! portion of it, Chanter was an utter doofus at work the other day. I didn't want to take my dog down the hall to the ladies, didn't have a cane, and wasn't thinking particularly carefully while walking. The end result was me taking a turn too soon and going head over heels over head over... and over, and over down a stairwell! I did not concuss myself or otherwise hurt my head, at least not beyond a few bruises; my left leg and arm caught the worst of it. The former was rather scratched, the latter bashed at the elbow and wrist, as I'm pretty sure I landed hard on it. Never lost consciousness, as I told my boss pretty much first thing when he came dashing down to investigate the source of the clatter... and the use of a particular four-letter word pertaining to poo. He was an utter sweetheart about things, and helped mop me up, not to mention retrieve both my shoes - they flew off. I remember them doing so. Whee sandals. All in all, I'm extremely grateful I didn't give myself a head injury. As it was, I was actively keeping myself as engaged and aware as I possibly could from the minute the boss turned up; I wanted to be absolutely sure I didn't do myself any harm in the head department. I probably sounded a bit overly intellectual/clinical there a minute or two, but it sure beat a few alternatives! So darn glad I didn't concuss myself. I'll take a badly bruised arm over that any day of the week. As for that arm, it's better than it was on Friday by far. I do need to show
meimichan the necklace that tangled in my hair in the fall; one of the knots in its string unknotted itself, and I think it needs a restring. So very minor in the scheme of things, but I still need to do it.
So that was that. Ow, but thank God for a lack of head injury. Whew! That damn stairwell's going to scare me forever now, though. Carting a spare cane to work tomorrow. Still not taking the dog to the ladies, thanks. I'd sooner he didn't try sniffing in the bin.
Ah-hem. Jumping topics before I give myself a case of the crawlies again; I've had the retrospective creeps and how at least twice since Friday. Brrrrr. Here, the better to a) take my mind off the ickiness and b) display the results of my sorting out my shortwave frequency-determining issues, you lot get DXing spam again. As to how I sorted the issues out, I found time station WWV quite by accident, did some research, figured out that only the signal on 10mHZ had a religious station near it on the dial at the particular time of the evening I'd tuned it in, and deduced which frequency I'd found that way. In went 10mHZ into my presets, and from there I was able to find quite a few other frequencies to use as guideposts on the dial. Tah-dah! :) Still working on finding 15mHZ's itteration of WWV, but that's just a matter of scrolling up forever. *shrugs* Anyhow, DXing spam ahoy. I've already sent off a half-dozen reception reports, and when I get QSL cards back from any of them, I'll share the details. If I can figure out how, I may even upload a picture, especially if Radio Netherlands sends me something. That'll be a treasured possession for sure, if they do.
March 23, 2012
10000, WWV, Fort Collins, Colorado, 0141-0212. Usual time checks at minute intervals, marine warnings for the Pacific Ocean. Fair to good signal with some minor static. Continued monitoring with similar results at 0330, 0401. Signal was all but lost by 0530.
9885, Voice of America English service for Africa, 0335-0349. News with male announcer; International Edition was mentioned as a program name. Caught news stories referencing Afghanistan, Korea and China, the last dealing with the arrest of 21 fishermen. Also heard a promo for a VOA Chinese IPhone app, another for VOA's news site. Weak signal amid static, though this improved somewhat while monitoring.
9800, Deutsche Welle Swahili service, 0352-0359. First female, then male presenter, interspersed with East African (Congolese?) music. Weak signal amid static, though reception improved noticeably while monitoring.
9655, Voice of Turkey English service, 0416-0440. News with female presenter; followed by local popular music. Heard mention of President Obama, an upcoming summit and events in Damascus while monitoring, also the program name World Agenda. Received one clear station ID in a male voice: "This is the Voice of Turkey." Weak to fair signal with some distortion.
9765, Radio New Zealand International, 0818-0845. Tuned in to music in at least one Pacific regional language interspersed with station ID's - heard one reference to "the voice of the Pacific" - followed by English language news at 0830. Weak signal buried in background static.
9590, Radio Australia, 0847-0900. Tuned in to English language news with female presenter, heard mentions of a travel ban on family members of Syrian government officials and the death of a former Australian Prime Minister's wife. Fair signal. Found a distinctly stronger signal on 9580kHZ at 0855.
March 24, 2012
9570, China Radio International English, 0008-0018. News and features with female presenter, heard mention of the formation of an interlibrary loan system to be set up between local libraries and larger city ones, and eventually schools and hospitals. Good signal, only minor static and fading.
9420, Voice of Greece, 0028-0045. Greek language talk and music, heard one female presenter and one male guest or reporter via telephone. Good signal with only minor static.
9315, Radio Cairo, 0047-0100. Arabic language music at tune-in, then Spanish language talk with female presenter. Weak signal amid static.
9575, Radio Morocco, 0438-0500. Tuned in to Arabic language music, shifted to Arabic-language news just before the hour. May have heard an ID for Radio Medi, not confirmed due to difficulty copying. Weak signal amid static, nearly faded out several times.
March 25, 2012
9665, Voice of Russia English service, 0125-0201. Tuned in to a very interesting program discussing spring rituals and symbols around Europe; female presenter and many musical audio clips. Caught at least two Voice of Russia ID's. Fair signal, some static.
9700, Radio Romania International French service, 0152-0200. Tuned in to French language talk, further monitoring found French language music with Eastern European elements. Station signed off with RRI's interval signal.
March 26, 2012
6175, Voice of Vietnam, 0354-0400. Tuned in to English language news/features with a female presenter and guest, shifting to an extremely mournful Michael Jackson song. Heard one station ID and two repetitions of the station's mailing address before the broadcast language changed from English to Spanish at the top of the hour. Fair signal, some static causing difficulty copying.
6165, Radio Netherlands, 0400-0403. Tuned in to the station's interval signal and ID; programming was in Dutch, but distinctly heard 'this is Newsline' at the top of the program at roughly 0401. Fair to good signal, minor static.
6110, NHK World, 0502-0510. Tuned in to English language programming beginning with a local time check (2 PM Japan time), followed by news stories read by two presenters, one male and one female. Heard mention of a nuclear summit beginning in South Korea, also a power cut to a prefecture's nuclear facility while it underwent tests or repairs. Good signal, very little static or distortion.
9580, Radio Australia, 0405-0420. Tuned in to a clear station ID followed by local news, including an arrest in the case of several disturbing murders in South Australia and the death of a man at the hands of police in, I believe, New South Wales. News was followed by economic reports, then sport, then weather forecasts for Australia, the Pacific, and cities around Asia - Melbourne, Port Moresby, Dili, Jakarta. Heard at least one more station ID after the weather forecasts. Good signal, only minor static/distortion.
9650, Korean Broadcasting System, 1202-1230. Tuned in to national news in English with female presenter; heard mentions of North Korea's possible missile/satellite deployment and South Korea's response, President Obama's speech at a South Korean university, and a tentative free trade agreement between South Korea and Turkey. Program then shifted to international stories including Iran, before returning to in-depth coverage of regional issues. At this point, the female presenter was joined by a male counterpart. Heard at least two station ID's in the course of the program. Very clear signal, minor static only. There were some odd clicking noises audible, though these did not interfere with the broadcast.
March 28, 2012
6165, Radio Netherlands, 0500-0530. Tuned in to that lovely interval signal - yay! and shortwave frequency announcements in Dutch, followed by a local time check "Het is 7 hours." This led into a Dutch language edition of Newsline. Fair to good signal, some static.
11990, Radio Canada International, 2205-2210. Spanish language programming with a female presenter who clearly identified herself as Paloma Martinez. Heard mention of Pope Benedict's visit to Cuba, also one clear RCI ID. Good signal, minor static.
March 29, 2012
11780, Radio Nacional do Brasil, 0255-0305. Tuned in to what sounded like sports commentary or scorelines - heard mentions of Paraguay, group 4, and campeonata Brasileira. Station ID and multiple frequency choices on local FM and AM listed at the top of the hour (included AM and FM in Rio de Janeiro, also Nacional da Amazonia), followed by an introduction for a national news program - clearly heard nacional informa. Fair signal, some static, and adjacent channel splatter from an unknown broadcaster on 11775.
7360, Vatican Radio, 0315-0330. Tuned in to a male presenter (African?) reporting on hoof and mouth disease; this report led into an interview on the same subject, given by a different reporter and guest. Heard mention of hoof and mouth disease super viruses, also United Nations Radio at interview's end. Broadcast was taken up by a second presenter, less easily heard through static, who introduced a piece interviewing someone from an institute of higher women's studies? static made this very unclear. Signal was lost after Vatican Radio ID and interval signal at 0330. Weak signal, significant static drowning audio and causing distinct difficulty copying.
6000, Radio Habana Cuba, 0334-0340. Tuned in to a female presenter describing a Latin American film festival. This was followed by a second female presenter thanking the first for the news headlines, then introducing a commentary on Cuba reaffirming its commitment to change without abandoning socialism? static made this unclear, delivered by a male reader. Good signal, though some static interfering with copy in places.
9625, Radio Canada International, 1114-1118. Tuned in to French language conversation between two men. Fair signal with significant static and fading; signal nearly faded out at one point, then was nearly lost to unknown crackling interference at 1118.
Waiting on responses from: Radio Netherlands, Radio Australia, Voice of Russia, Voice of Vietnam, WWV, KBS, Voice of Turkey
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