Mar 17, 2009 14:51
this weekend was wat i needed.
friday i took the day off cuz i had planned to go to rhode island about 11 however nellies meeting wasnt til 115. so she said leave at 1...i didnt leave til 130 cuz i didnt want to wait around....but i still ended up waiting for her.
anyways we met up at providence place mall. i met with neuza first. now mind u i was a little pissed cuz i HATE waiting. im impatient sometimes. THEN i had specifically told nellie. i dont mind if we chill wit neuza when we go out to boston, and no disrespect to her, but i wanna chill with u the majority of the when i heard i was meeting neuza i was like damn, way to disregard my wishes.
so i had to like force myself to like get out of the horrible mind frame i was in cuz i didnt drive out there not to have a good time with my best friend. so anyways. me and neuza are chillin waitin for nellie to get to the mall...shes admiring my dreads...(yes i on march 6 i cut my hair and got dreads) we walkin around. then nellie comes. we all go lookin for shirts to wear out that nite. of course me being the biggest it took me forever to find something i could SETTLE with. so by then its like 7, we go and drop thier cars off at neuzas and we hit the road. we make it to cambridge in record time...
we check into the hotel, le meridian, it was so flippin beautiful. i of course made nellie and her best friend share beds! lol. i had my own queen size. so we pregame get ready, and head out. so we are headin to boston and this huge truck cuts me off... makin a left turn, when i had the right of way. so i honk my horn...then i see the police and they put on their lights and i say "thank you stop them jerks" i pull over....why he pull over with me???? im like wow! so of course officer comes up "license and registration" and im like officer may i ask why u pulled me over? hes like "you want to know why he cut you off, cuz u werent supposed to go straight" i was like oooo was there a sign? and he says yes. so im like damn.
he goes back and spends a good 10-15 min in his car. he comes back and gives mea written warning. i thankd him and went on our way.
so finally we get to the club, dont remember the name of it right now, and go straight to the bar. nellie went to say hi to ed, it was his bday party. so we order drinks...i get the long island. say hi to ed. we chill. i get a 2nd long island....then its time to dance. i dont chill with the girls for more than 5 min for the rest of the nite. i am in my ZONE let me tell u. i started dancin wit one dude, saw another, left the guy i was with and danced with him. he was swingin me around and everything. *blackout* lights flashin, and im talkin to this guy while the club is clearin out. i guess i was dancin with him more than once(nellie says). and i told them that i was gonna get loose that nite so i wasnt suprised to hear that i was holdin onto posts and walls and gettin low to the floor with the guys as my balance...
lol. its always so funny to hear peoples expressions when i leave after a nite of getting loose. they never think that i would be as i was....yea Taya can get real loose. and the place didnt even play new jams it was all old stuff, but it was a riot. i gave my number to the guy, i left mine in the car. and me and the girls get back to the hotel. im ready to crash. i dont remember the ride home but i guess i was up.
of course im always up before 8 so i was tellin them, that i would wake them yea so they thought itd be funny for them to jump on me....yea my ass was throwin bows and kickn....all i wanted to do was sleep. i guess i gave nellie a bruise from kickin her into a corner of the headboard...
i didnt get up til 1245...mind u we had to check out at 1pm. they were talkin mad shit since i said i would be thier alarm clock.
im feelin completely out of it. u know how u feel when u had a long nite of drinkin....i was just on auto pilot. so we went to breakfast. i ordered this huge breakfast and cudnt eat it all. i think i might have eaten 25% of it. my shit came up to 15 bucks...its offically off my list of places to go for my opinion breakfast should be no more than 10 MAX!
i drove back to rhode island. said bye to neuza and me and nellie dropped her car off at her house, and b/c i had no plans i went and ran errands with her. so that was our quality time....
i miss her sooo much. i wish we lived closer.
then sunday i had my grams 80th bday party to go to at country buffet. mind u i went last week wit my mom, so i wasnt really feelin it, but i went for my grams. she had a gr8 i was happy.
but yea that was my weekend. it was gr8!