Sep 25, 2006 18:46
Im entirely worried about before, but am still considering pre med as an entirely become a slave to music, not to mention that my parents don't want to let me hire a new teacher...the one that I have now begins every lesson with "so, what are we playign this week?" and continues to say "wonderful wonderful!" throughout..its a waste of money. No, I wasn't passively boasting, she goes through her scheduel as I play, makes notes in some book, and half-listens to me. Its getting
I have no time for people.
Audition repertoire....finally finished, but, then again, its never really ever finished.
Maybe I do too much...
Wayy too much school work, hours of practice, and track, cross country, swim team, settlement, latin club and NHS. I think Im going to die. But... I have a paper to write and a trip to the gym tonight...varsity doesn't earn itself. I should be asianm they overachieve, and they don't die from it. Being a white overachiever is too hard.