Stuff whats going on

Aug 24, 2008 11:15

My wee students have kept me busy and a little too exhausted at the end of each day to even contemplate posting an entry.

Work Stuff

I kinda really love it.
Last week was my first week actually teaching my lesson plan. I was incredibly nervous. It went very well. I do have to learn to be more commanding. The children are sweet and funny. I'm totally diggin' hanging out with them.
I have a few students who make me a little crazy. I just have to stop and think about their home environment and make concessions.

The only down fall of my job so far is that I have found myself even more frustrated with the Bush administration. I have always known that there is not nearly enough funding for public schools and government programs such as Headstart. It just makes me insane. Our corporate offices are palatial. Our center is sparse at best. If it werent for the teachers using their own funds the kids would have nothing.
They don't pay very well. They expect the classroom to have books, art supplies, toys etc. Yet they will not allocate any funds for these essentials.
It makes no sense to me.
I will stay here. I love the program. I feel like I am making a difference somehow.


We leave for Atlanta Friday night after work and school. We actually got a room at the Atlanta Hilton.
There are so many panels I want to go to. I hope I'm able to see most of them. I have downloaded the Dragoncon program and am highlighting and planning our weekend.

It's all very exciting. I have never been to a con before.
I am going to the Torchwood, Firefly, Ghost hunters and Star Wars panels. The boys are all about meeting Chewbacca.

Anyone going and want to meet up let me know. We will figure something out.

Flea Market Finds

Yesterday Boyd and I hit the local flea market. I bought a mint condition (still in box) Buffy doll for $7.00.
I came home and checked on line and I found the same doll for sale for over $50. WooHoo! I love a good deal.
I am going to keep her for a while. Who knows the price may go up. Until then she will be perched on my computer desk with the rest of my action figures.

I also scored a picture of Tom Selleck shellacked to a piece of wood.
It's fantastic. I am going to hang it in my bathroom. I bought it because it was the cheesiest shit I have ever seen. Besides it was only a dollar.
I will take a picture of it as soon as I find my camera.

Home stuff

Boyd is being interviewed for another contractor job. He will be doing a lot of traveling. Unfortunately he will be doing a few months in Iraq training Iraqi troops. I'm not very thrilled with the idea. I don't think the increase in pay is worth it. We are still talking about it.

The boys are doing well in their new schools. I am so grateful they are becoming so adaptable( especially Holden).
I really have no desire to move anytime soon.

Well, thats all I have for now. I hope you all are doing well. I may not comment that much on your journals but I swear I do read every one of them.

home stuff, dragoncon, work stuff, flea market

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