May 30, 2005 01:56
OK So guess what or more accurately guess who. Yes that's right, it's not Annie... It's Aaron. So I've just recently discovered this little secret called livejournal ( I was nosy and reading over Annie's shoulder ) so of course I had to go back and read the past posts. It's nice to know that you all have taken the time to inform me of Annie's little distractions (such as looking up wedding dresses and little fuzzy creatures). I think just maybe I should be told of these habits. And I must say it was quite the wrestling match to tackle the computer away from her so I could read these little entries. My bite marks are still healing after trying to read the wedding dress post. So now that I've discovered this little forum I think I'll try and keep up with my girl's (since she calls me "the boy") comments. Now on to the next issue; How do I log on to this site from a location other than Annie's computer?
On a totally different note, I've been having a blast at Reunions!! I hope all of you have too.
And Congrats to you Annie, I'm so proud of you and can't wait to swear you in as a fellow Officer! Love you.