I'm not really "back" yet...this is my first time checking in for so long...I feel like I've missed so much of everyone's lives! But life has just swept me along in its wake, and I've been too busy doing what I have to do to stay afloat.
That being said, I did just get back from vacation - yes, that's right, vacation, by the sea. Which was both as lovely as it sounds, and nowhere near as lovely as it sounds.
I know, how can it be both, but when you're traveling with 3 kids and a husband who sometimes plays the role of the 4th, plus extended family including your mother, aunt, and sister...well, you're a creative bunch. I'm sure you can imagine where sometimes the unlovely came in.
As always, the vacation was as much balancing act and weighing of consequences as it was fun in the sun. As such, there wasn't a tremendous amount of relaxation or rejuvenation that took place. But still, I came home feeling that my soul had been nourished, at least a little bit, and that's what it's all about.
My gym habit has fallen by the wayside, trampled even more badly than my writing habit, which I manage to pick up every now and again. I finally came to the conclusion that kids and summer vacation combined equal an unstoppable force, and so I stopped trying.
One week from today, everyone goes back to school, and I pray that on that day my sanity returns.
Until then, I wait in hope.