A little bit of this and a little bit of that

Jul 20, 2010 23:05

So I have this new...or new-ish, anyway...what is it called, the background thingy that makes your LJ pretty? But mine is annoying because for whatever reason, it blocks out all the subject lines from everyone's entries. And lots of times, they'r important to know! Annoying. Also annoying is the stupid advertising thing. "Your livejournal experience will continue after the ad."


I have been gardening to beat the band lately...my bitty plot in the neighbor's empty yard is finally starting to thrive, but so was the crab-grass. I've spent about 3 hours over there, working myself to the edge of heat-stroke, and only cleaned out about 3/4 of it. It's hard work, but satisfying. I am present to only the dirt and the weeds and the sweat and the heat. Very zen-like.

Watching the rain teem down the other day, I said to my husband, "You know what I'm thinking right now?"

Without missing a beat, he answered "It's good for the garden."

So yes, I'm a little bit obsessed and clearly everyone knows it. I wonder if in another life I was a farmer. I sometimes wish in this life I could be. I enjoy that kind of hard but simple work...the physicality of it, and the clear, easy way my brain feels when I do it.

Zen and the art of gardening. Who knew?

gardening, random updates

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