Things have been quiet

Aug 18, 2011 05:06

And when things tend to be quiet, I go looking for noise. That is to say, from my friend, The Universe.

So I'm driving to work this morning thinking it would be nice to have some sort of a positive sign from the Big U. About, you know...anything.

Because I'm particular and specific that way.

A short time later, I come to a red traffic light. Stopped at the light in front of me, in the wee hours of the morning, is an older model red Jeep Cherokee. On the back window is one of those stickers, with the whole family represented in stick figures: a man, a woman, a girl, a boy.

Most of my brain is still in a pre-caffeinated fog.

But Monkey mind pops up.

"Maybe that's Wes," it suggests.

The rest of my brain stirs sleepily,and then I have to smile.

"Maybe, Monkey mind."

No sense telling the Monkey that Wes is a character in my story...

Message received.

monkey mind, the universe

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