How is it April already?

Apr 10, 2011 22:55

I have been rather scarce around these parts, so I figured since I was here checking in, I may as well do a quick post.

With spring break last week, revisions ground to a halt as I find it difficult to make any sort of rational progress with children fighting and crying and begging for food and saying "Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom." in the background until I think I may go insane and puncture my eardrums with a pointy object. I know, I know, call me a speshul snowflake...I should be able to rally on, writing even in a snowstorm while walking uphill, both ways, but sadly, a modicum of order is required for my concentration.

I have high hopes for this week. I opened my documents and played with them a bit today - didn't accomplish a whole hill of beans but it was good to get my feet wet again.

Over the weekend I went to the annual writer's conference at a local college. As in the past, my results were a mixed bag: one class was interesting, one was...meh. But it's just a delight to have time to myself, hanging out with whole herds of people who have at least one thing in common with me. When I got home, DH said I was "glowing." : ) Perhaps I should do that stuff more often!

My MIL continues to make positive strides in her battle back to health. A minor stomach bug set back her release date by a few days, but they anticipate releasing her from the hospital tomorrow - almost 5 full weeks in the hospital, for what was originally supposed to be a 5-day stay! She is in good spirits, but just wants to get home. First stop on the way will be a rehab facility for about a week, but she's that much closer, and I think it is heartening for everyone.

Now, do you all get a charge when you read a book by someone you "know"? I absolutely do! It doesn't matter how often I might communicate with you on LJ, if you're someone whose blog I follow, I feel like I know you, and I'm all excited to read your books! Of course, this means that I am here, often silently, wishing you nothing but the best. Still, it is a trip for me to have your book in my hand and go "I know this person...sort of!"

Recently, a lovely friend gifted me with a book: Kat, Incorrigible by LJ's own stephanieburgis! I had a few things on my pile TBR first, but I got to it today, and devoured it in one sitting! What a great story...and a fantastic main character Kat turned out to me. I can't wait to share it with my daughter, who is 10 1/2. One of the things I am most excited about lately is the fact that she is starting to dip into the same reading pool that I enjoy. I've set up my bookshelves so that I now have my own YA section, and instructed her to help herself to anything there that looks interesting. This one I will definitely encourage. Kat is such a strong, strong-willed character - what fun she was to read, and how I'd love my daughter to read and love her, too. : )

Anyway, I hope you all had a fantastic weekend, and that things in your lives are looking brighter and sunnier as well.

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