Dec 25, 2010 22:35
Hope you guys all had a wonderful holiday today, whether or not your big celebrators of Christmas. It's a day off, you get lots of presents, catch music plays all the time, and hey people actually make an effort to be nice and/or polite.
3 days into my winter break and I'm finally relaxed. All in time for the incoming blizzard tomorrow! Thankfully I don't have to shovel, but parents do. And since I live only about 10 minutes away, I don't think I can get away with not helping out. So much for a relaxing, peaceful break.
In other bizarro news (to me at least), Sugita Tomokazu is apparently in Hong Kong right now for some Asia Game expo. He's there with Kojima Hideo, and the guy has tons of pictures of HK and Sugi up. XD Wouldn't you know it, Sugi goes there the year after I'm in Hong Kong. *sigh* I think my brain would go splort if I were walking around Hong Kong and ran into him. :p First off, I doubt I would put 2+2 together, and I'd probably think "Wow, that guy looks a lot like Sugita!" and then I'd stare........and then I'd probably be confused....and then I'd stare some more. At some point, I'm sure my brain would fry out.
I miss Hong Kong; Kojima's got a lot of great food pics up. But what I really miss is the chance to see Sugi IN Hong Kong. XD
fangirling mode,
i wanna be a globe trekker,
a serving of chanpon