Oct 14, 2010 22:45
Ok, so I broke down and got suckered into buying this. After all Sugi's legs during his infamous first appearance in 2003 have now become legendary.
The book is really just a scrap book of sorts with a run down of all the shows since its inception in 1996 (?!). Each show and its pamphlets/brochures (presumably) are showcased along with thoughts of Hiyama-san and MoriMori. The scans and pictures of the older materials are really of questionable quality, so not having as much kitsch value as it could.
The newer events have a few photos capturing good "OMG!" moments but they are small and don't quite give you the full wtf-ery that clearly is going on. With that being said there are a few pictures (especially for events not released on dvd) and some older archival pictures of the pair that are totally.. (O_o)
It only serves to make me wish more of these shows were released on dvds (at least all the Sugi ones!). They really look like a lot of fun, and the ones that were released are a total hoot. Maybe this will convince them there is a small but rabid appetite for these and worth putting out a small print of dvds for them.
Haven't listened to the cd that comes with this yet, and I just glanced through the book. I look at all the Japanese I might have to look up and try to read, and my mind goes numb. Maybe some day...
fangirling mode