Jun 06, 2012 21:24
I just realised that I feel totally disconnected from my friends, which is usually a major downward spiral for me ("no one loves me enough to care, everyone is too busy for me to bother them, hey, look, worms!") but the nice thing is: yes, I feel totally disconnected, but that's okay.
I'm not entirely sure why. I'm not sure if I'm starting to disengage more fully from people who've effectively been putting me in a one-way relationship (and it's their way...) for some time now, or if it's that I joined ALL THE MEETUPS and, even though I haven't gone to any yet, I have that to look forward to, and that is new people and new people are people, and people rock. Or both.
If I ever wound up on a desert island, I would either need a fairly large shitload of books (20 at least, and 50 would be better) and/or other media that I could actually interact with, or interesting people. Otherwise, I would survive about five minutes - I do alone just fine, but I don't do lonely well, and I get lonely very easily, unfortunately. I wish it wasn't true, since I have a consistent habit of picking such winnars for IRL friends, but there we are. Short of a lobotomy, it's unlikely to change.
i am a fairy princess!,
life in shadow