Mar 31, 2009 10:28
Dear Scene Queen Haironista,
I was with you about that story right up to the point that you claimed that the company you were interviewing at had a dress code that, because they didn't like your dyed hair, was "probably unconstitutional."
... how do I break this to you?
First, go read the Constitution. If it mentions anything about the right to have freaky-ass hair (and bear in mind, I've had freaky-ass hair myself, I'm about to go back to that!) let me know.
Second, go read up on the distinction between public and private, legally: the detail you're looking for is anything that guarantees that private companies do not have the right to require you to dress a certain way or do anything that, essentially, is not otherwise a violation of state and/or federal law. You can't be asked to kill anyone when you're working at PriceChopper, since murder is illegal, but you sure as hell can be asked not to have facial hair, piercings of any kind, tattoos, and unusual hair colours/styles, and to conform to a uniform.
Third, go read up on the definition of entitlement bitch. Try not to be one.
Now you can come back to polite society. I missed you while you were gone, since your blog's really fucking cool, but that level of entitlement is a bit much.
No love,
you make me socially maladjust,
inbred cretinous gnomes,
how to cook forty humans