Sep 02, 2005 13:46
School sucks. I honestly hate that place. Like I don't find the education aspect, it's the people that suck. Everyone there is immature. Seriously, like their minds are so far behind thier age it's enough to drive a sane man crazy. I go there and I make it through the day through me visualizing making them all suffer. That may sound sick, but when you can't even make it to class ontime, not becuase of you, but because of people who decide to just stop in a certain hallway, or at a certain wall.....E being the name for both of these, it pisses you off. The wall is covered with people now, I'm going to start regulating, I don't care anymore, I can't even talk to my friends without pushing atleast 12 people that I don't know out of the way. So we're going to regulate, and keep those faggots out of there. Since Rob and Jeremy Graduated, no ones able to do that, so everyone stands there. The worst part, is what I hear the random people say. I'm one of those people who are easily aggravated by stupid people and stupid things. Some of the things that I hear, piss me off. They piss me off to the point where I just walk away and sit in my class for 6 minutes. If you're reading this and you don't agree with me...then fuck you, and stay off our was orginated by us and our friends, we're there, we've been there, what gives u the right to fucking think you can just stand there too. Especially when you stand there and don't talk to anyone. If you're reading this and thinking, oh this kid ignorant, or "this dudes pissed for no reason" then fuck you. If you think those things then you ovbiously don't understand how much me and the rest of my hate almost everyone else. Everyone who was there last year has the same complaints as me. I'm not going to name any names, becuase you can't do that without a fucking threat of getting you ass kicked, but tahts all they are, are threats. No one is going to do shit to me for saying this, and good, fuck you, don't go where you're not wanted. Seriously think about it, if you're not wanted by the people who were there first, then leave, like I'm sorry, but you have to accept that. I don't sit at peoples lunchtables when I know they don't like me. If you and a line of your friends is being pushed off the wall by two kids who were there before you, then what the fuck should that tell you. Another thing, have some fucking consideration for the school around you. Don't stand in the middle of the fucking hallway so no one can get to C hall. Fuck you if you do that. I hate when people jsut stop walking in hallways, and if I ever get stopped by the big bulge of people that stands in a group off of the wall, I'll let everyone of those mother fuckers know exactly how I feel about them. I MEAN SERIOSULY, if you keep pulling that shit, and blocking the hallway traffic, what are teh principals going to do? Thier not going to allow peopel to stand there anymore, ovbiously. So if you really want to ruin something for all of us then great, fuck you, you're worthless and ovbiously a waste of life.
If you got shit to say about what you just read, you'll find me agasint the wall, next to my can say something to me, tell me how you feel, I'm open minded, but you'll most likely embarass your self.