May 18, 2006 21:06

A new update (I know it's about time!) to Channel 83's GALLERY. Clap your hands, because we are back on track after relocating to Berlin!

The artists featured on the website seem to be getting cuter and yonger by the day...but don't get me wrong please, I haven't turned Channel 83 into a morally ambiguous project, I am actually talking of one of my dearest friends, the amazing photographer Cristiana Romani who, at the tender age of 20 years old, is already giving birth to some of the most hilarious images I've seen in a long while.

Romani's work is always playful and often very close to the themes approached by CHANNEL 83, having a soft spot for visceras and a penchant for the edgier themes. That makes it interesting enough in my book, don't you agree? The artist started photographing very early, thanks to the influence of her father (also an established photographer in Italy) and has quickly acquired an impressive technical knowledge of photography. Having relocated to the UK at the end of 2004, Romani is working on a variety of projects at the moment, some of which will definitely appear on CHANNEL 83 at some point during the summer.

Having insisted (and yet failing for too long) in order to have her work featured on my website, I am now really proud to have one of my dearest friends take part in the project, as I think she'll soon blossom into a prolific and talented photographer.

If you like this update why don't you leave a comment for the artist in the comment boxes below each photo? She'll be reading them for sure! Don't forget to mention to miss Romani that three photos are by no means enough, so that we can have her shoot some more material for Channel 83 (likely a new installment of the "Surgical Interventions" series?).

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