Great FallsOriginally uploaded by
Channel42I'm feeling the strong urge to go work in Nigeria.
This is bad and strange for two reasons.
One, because it further complicates my "plans" for getting the hell out of here (tm) next year.
And two, because for the past 6 months I've resolved that I have no interest in living in Nigeria.
Then again, two years ago I had no interest of living in California.
Because I am so heavily scatterbrained, I might as well get it out in writing and list my options here. They are:
a) Propose (read: harass) my boss for potential positions in Nigeria for the 2009/2010 academic year, and see about working/living in Yola for at least a year. The president, his wife, multiple professors, staff, AU people, and my own friends and relatives have asked me when I was getting my behind over there. But my boss has the final say. I think I'd be helpful in the consulate area (lord knows I practically live at the Nigerian embassy), so I could do more visa work. Or something else. Maybe take classes. This is why I need to discuss this with my boss. See what my options are. Etc, etc.
b) Go on with my original plan and apply for the Peace Corps Masters International Plan. I've already selected Loma Linda as my school, with UC Davis and Washington State as my 2nd and 3rd choice. I'm currently preparing for the GRE's as much as I can, with the help of Debbie, who is awesome and let me borrow heaps of her books, flash cards, and coaches me on strategy. Apply, freak out, pray, and see what happens.
c) Fail to get into grad school, or fail to get adequate financial aid for grad school, and apply for jobs at aforementioned schools so that I can reap the tuition benefits. Luckily for me, I already have experience working for a university, so I'm covered in that area. The hardest part will be getting the interview, and, you know, hired. I can always defer the PC application (cause most likely I'll get into the Peace Corps. Grad school is a bigger monster to overcome) and reapply to the school, thus being allowed to take advantage of the tuition benefits when/if I get accepted.
d) In the event that a, b, and/or c are looking questionable, apply for foreign jobs and opportunities. Teach English maybe? I don't know. This is kind of a half-baked back up plan. In reality, I'll most likely move to the West Coast and hustle before pursuing this option. But it's an in-and-out plan.
e) Stay in DC and shoot myself.
Hot Dog! My brain hurts a little bit less now. By the way, that picture was taken during a peaceful break, moments before busting my chin on an impossible 5.9 climb. My first "head" injury. *tear*