Suddenly Last Summer ended its run on Saturday night. It was a really good run of a play actually. No major fuck-ups on my behalf (which I find weird since I usually make at least one). The performance by the actors was great, they knew their lines (well, most of them) and only a few of them stepped out of the light a couple of times. The Stage Managing was perfect (even though I had no actual way of telling, I'm saying it cause
teegan is going to read this :P)
Now about the cast party. The show finished at 10:40pm on Saturday night and we then proceeded to bump out the show. This involved removing all the gels and derigging a couple of the lights from the lighting perspective. I then proceeded to clean the lighting desk (four empty diet coke bottles and a packet of pretzels, built up from the saturday before). We also had to clean out and mop backstage, stack up the seats, dismantle the set and take them back up to storage. Then came the painting of the stage and wall which i observed from a safe distance (i was wearing the clothes i was going to party in. no way i was messing them up). We finished up just after midnight and squished 11 people into two cars and drove to Annandale for the cast (and crew) party. It wasn't a hopping and dancing party since we were all so tired. But it was really good to sit and chat and eat and drink. Somehow we ended up on the couches watching the buffy musical (four members of the cast are huge fans of buffy). I wish I would of known sooner, but then again I may of scared them off with my scary amount of knowledge about buffy, which I think I did by singing (not very louding and in my register) every song in the musical (which my fellow Ex-BCAers would admit isn't really that impressive). Then when everyone was leaving at around 4:30 I was going to head into Oxford St to see
scorpwitch and
teegan and me had made plans to go to Stonewall that night (we didn't think the cast party would go on so long) and she still came along to stonewall which was really good (mind you it might of been because she couldn't fit in the taxi back to Randwick :P).
Stonewall was good for all of two hours. I didn't dance all that much since I was tired and not drunk, but it was still good. I persuaded
scorpwitch and
witchshayness to crash at the house i started housesitting on saturday near Broadway. So half an hour walk later we were back and we didn't go to sleep for an hour after that. I woke up 10am (don't ask me why) and watched some movies till the guys got up. We watched some buffy eps and they left at 3pm. I worked that night till 10:15pm (which was crap considering I had slept all of two hours). Anyway, now that work is only a 5 min walk away I got home okay and crashed.
I did nothing today except watch movies and do stuff on my laptop. Now that you are now all updated on what i've done this weekend, you can go on with your lives. I hope it was a fasinating read :P I promise more sex and scandal later (you know, when I actually have one of them, or both)