Jan 02, 2005 07:47
What the fuck is a best friend? People that Ive called a best friend usually fuck me over one way or another. First of all...if you think that having a good time, enjoying myself is being immature then your on my "Fuck You" list when I'm famous. This century so far has been really fucked up when it comes to me being social. I actually had what people would call a best friend and then something will happen to fuck it up and mostly I get the 'replaced' disease. Then I miss them so much and they don't realize it. This passed year alone I got sick with the 'replaced' disease; Stef and Jessica. Ofcourse Im gonna get "you werent replaced" bullshit...but they dont see it like I do. What wierd is that it was around both their bdays. For Jessica we were friends for 2 years before this shit happened for Stef a little over a year.
Me and Stef always said were 'bestest friends' *a pathetic story with a dog lol* We always had a great time together. Then she started hanging out with these 2 girls who I happen to think were like completely opposite of me. They didnt seem like girls that Stef would even hang out with but she was and I got sick. On her bday she came up to me "like its my bday" and I gave her the "and?" treatment and started yelling. I felt like how dare you just come up to me and pretend like you werent ignoring me. However, we are now chatting on online and she has become more social with others...which sucks for me because I miss us just having each other and acting like assess.
Me and Jess were introduced by her sister Jenn who I knew before. We didnt hit off right away thats for sure, Im loud shes quiet...enough said. However, it was wierd with Jessica. I liked her company and from what I heard and witnessed was that she seemed happy when I was around. She even mentioned to me that I was one of the few people who can make her smile...that meant a lot. However, I got sick around her bday. It started slow then it was getting to the point where their was too much pain. Her excuse was I was immature..."hello! you knew that when you met me!" I was given advice from Melissa to just ignore her...which I did for 2 months. Then slowly around xmas were talking briefly. Before xmas break I gave her one of the Nightmare Before Xmas 'thingamajigs' I was passing out to people and she gave me something aswell. I was like "ok, maybe we are getting to another start." Not to long ago I sent her an email saying that a new year is rising and so should our friendship and how I miss being yelled at...I got a reply that she missed yelling at me aswell. So on New Years Eve Mel, Jessica, and I made plans to watch Seed Of Chucky on bootleg. Jess told me she had no plans at all that night.I was happy that we were gonna get another start. Me and Mel walk over to her house and in less then 5 minutes she tells us she is leaving...with her boyfriend...IS THAT FUCKED OR WHAT!?! Me and Mel played it cool while leaving her house...but on our walk was when we both realized how sick we really were. We realized that Jessica is changing over a man, which is pathetic knowing that Jessica always said that it was never gonna happen that way, always said she would choose her friends over a man if she ever got one. Now that she has one we see the real Jess...and WE DONT LIKE IT! Something is gonna happen between them and who is she gonna want support from...thats right, her "friends."
Im not a social person, although I would like to be. I either get along with people younger or older then me which I know my family has a slight grudge against. For example Linda has got to be one of the greatest people I have ever met! However, she just turned 16. Its like me and her are meant to be friends forever...but I felt that way about Stef and look how that turned out. Im too scared to give her the title of a best friend...god, I hate that word!
Lately Ive been feeling "I dont need anyone" but do I? All my TRUE friends are make believe, I love my imagination...now thats what I consider a best friend! Ive been sick for way too long, the replaced disease can get ugly you know? But soon...really soon...all who still wanna be assholes will be diagnosed with 'go fuck yourself' syndrome.