♥●♥ L'Arc~en~Ciel ~Love ♥●♥

May 15, 2008 16:12

Yeap, almost a week after the concert I scored a victory over my laziness and decided to post and write about the best two+ hours in my life!

L'Arc~en~Ciel TOUR 2008 L'7~Trans ASIA via PARIS~

And most importantly Laruku in Paris!

As I said, the best time of my life! It was so unreal!!
At first, I arrived in Paris at the day of the concert, in the morning. Lost some time on the streets and in the hotel, and around 3 - 3:30 pm arrived in front of the hall. There were already many people, and for my own pleasure, many Japaneses^^. I fell in love with almost every one of them xD. Anyways, I've waited there, under the sun, for about 4 hours. It was so unbelievably hot. I thought I was going to melt and die right before the concert. But survived! And it was worth it. They opened the gate and thousands of people broke into the hall @.o
Then I had the chance to buy the poster and the badges, like I had decided to, but finished with a poster, badges, t-shirt and the photo-book xD
And I am really happy about that actually xD!
Anyways, we [me and my friend^^] found the best places, the first rows, right in front of the center of the stage *-*
And then.......... we've waited some more xD about an hour or something xD
I still couldn't believe that I was actually there, that I was going to see and hear Laruku for real, that they were going to be so close to me *-*!!
And then they showed on the stage, my eyes almost filled with tears, but I decided that if I'm going to cry, I'm going to do so... after the concert is over XD
The hall was going to collapse from all the excitement as they started playing x_X
They played all of my fav songs from the last albums and it was amazing *-*!
Hyde was unbelievably beautiful and it was like he was making love with the public. Not like most of the rock and visual bands, who frankly rape it xD, nor like some pop-ers, who have to take clothes off, make hilarious slutty moves, spatter their saliva all around with their tongues, etc. to gain the attention and the love of the people. And HELL YEAH XD какво лигаво изречение само xD ама така си беше (wait)!
Ken was full of energy! He even smoked while playing xD And right after that started to run around the stage, jumping and "dancing" around xD
Tetsu was so smexy, and he didn't even move the most of the time xD! In the middle of the concert, he took out [don't know from where xD] a banana, kissed it and threw it to the audience xD It was hilarious!
Yukihiro was amazing *-* He was wringing wet after the 3rd song *-*. He was so into it!
They played many many fav songs. Every one of them said something and after that sang. Hyde played his guitar too.
I just can't describe how awesome it was, although I can talk about it with hours *-*
The best time of my life. I love them even more now. Actually I can't stop listening to Laruku from the day after the concert till now. My Last.fm can prove it too xD
And btw some of my body parts still hurt.... xD ...
But if I continue to write random things, I'm just going to repeat myself many times... about how great it was, unforgettable, amazing, loving, exciting, beautiful, @^&$#!@&*(*..................................
So I'm going to stop^^'
Oh~~ yeah... I've made some pictures, clips, but I'm not gonna post them now. Instead I'm going to show some pictures of the goods that I've bought^^

The book and the badges, the t-shirt [back], the poster [много кофти се вижда, ама да има нещо там xD]


Дам, беше невероятно, за нищо не бих го заменила! Евентуално за Хайд де, но едва ли ще ми се предложи такава оферта xD
Аааа, от тогава бтв само и неща свързани с това сънувам, което е малко плашещо де, но не ми пречи, даже му се радвам много ^^
Но нека сменим темата, че ще почна и да се натъжавам.
Да си оплача на няколко реда седмицата...
Болна, но на даскало. Много ме тресеше във вторник, щях да умра, бях с блуза, якенце, жилетка, яке и шлифер и пак се тресях като идиот. И не ми стигаше това, главобола, и гърлото, ами и за три блока, 4 контролни. Но си ги направих.. машина. На следващия ден доклад и изпитване, две отлични ^^. Днес пак на същото дередже... но не мога да кажа нищо, връща ми се за отсъствията и неученето. Но както е тръгнало май пак ще мина м/у капките и ще си го избутам доволно^^.
Другата седмица съм на 1000 бала баси, не знам как ще оцелея х.Х Но аз съм пиянде, а и съм свикнала всичко да ме боли, така че няма проблеми.

Днес тати ми донесе обичките на Лижунката и съм много хепи, много са яки ^^
Също така ми донесе и Каме, много е сладък <333
На снимките са размазани и вълтички, но светлината се отразява в паркета и ги прави такива, иначе са си белички ^^
И все пак ето гииии~~~

~*~   ~*~

И тъй като от 1-2 седмици, може и повече, не съм гледала драма, сега точно това ще правя, че и да спра за малко да слушам Ларк, може и добре да ми се отрази XD

asia, laruku~, happy~me, love, special thingy~

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