* Still no voice, but it's a bit better than yesterday...
* New Supernatural tomorrow *is excited*
*I slept through German SGA yesterday. I came home, watched some Supernatural and then fell asleep o_O I woke up at 11.15 p.m. (about the time that SGA ends), brushed my teeth and went to bed again *g*
Which means that I still don't have the pics ready... but they're probably not interesteing for anyone but the girls anyway *g* Oh, btw, does anyone have a problem with pics on the net or can I just post all of them? They're mostly unflattering... but very funny *g*
Who is Your Ideal TV Boyfriend?
Created by BuddyTVMmmmmh, Dean... I hope he brings his car *drools*
Which One Tree Hill Character Are You?
Created by BuddyTVHeh, Mouth is adorable ♥
Which Heroes Character Are You?
Created by BuddyTVNo special feelings for Matt... and I wouldn't want to hear thoughts... I can barely get my own together XD
Which Smallville Character Are You?
Created by BuddyTVHuh, I don't particularly likie Chloe, but I agree with the description^^
Oh, another thing? I'm getting sick. I just love my body. My voice is gonna be like Andee's XD