(no subject)

Jan 30, 2006 18:46

* i'm avoiding homework
* on saturday nan and i are going up to lansing.  good times are sure to follow----we're seeing mattttyy!  and finally meeting his woman.  we're staying with adam and jess :)
* sis's wedding isn't too far away
* i hate being so young
* b-day's coming up in a couple of months
* i'm so mood-swingy lately.  like i'm super hyper then i'm super not.  it's crazyyyy
* i miss a lot of people.
* i hate being home.  H A T E it.  it's not a bad environment really (aside from my little brother saying things like, 'you're such a f*cking b*tch, i hate you.'), i just am super pissed all the time when i'm here.
* doesn't everyone seriously get effing sick of the same old routine EVERY SINGLE DAY?  this is my usual day (well, weekday): wake up early, go to fun school, come home, possibly do homework, possibly hang out with friends, stay up late, finally fall asleep.  the same thing every day.  and it's miserable.  and there's no escaping it.  i suppose i could find something else to do with myself, but what's the frickin point??
* as in the words of fiona apple, "this world is a piece of shit."
* don't take a turn to negative town
* i just realized that my underwear in on inside out.
"To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead."
---bertrand russell
MY DAILY HOROSCOPE (for tomorrow):
Make sure you lend a helping hand wherever it's asked for -- and even some places where it's not. You make a strong impression when you go out of your way to give others the benefit of your expertise.
Some minor setbacks may temporarily derail your love train, but they won't be a big deal if you keep everything in perspective. Just learn to deal with the unsettled feeling, and everything will be fine.

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