Bring Me To Life (Chapter 4)

Mar 19, 2010 17:15

Title: Bring Me To Life
By: changline
Rating: g
Pairing: Changmin and OC
Genre: romance, a little angst
Summary: Aline was getting tired of her life, until one guy made her see that it was beautiful...

(Chapter 3)
(Chapter 2)
(Prologue and Chapter 1)


Ouch! My head feels like it’s about to split into two. Damn this cold, its making my life harder than it already is. (Alarm sounding) Ugh. Alright already alarm. I’m up. I’m up. I really don’t want to go to school today, but I’m afraid that one of my teacher’s might give a quiz and I might miss it.



“Wakey, wakey, Aline-chan.”

“Yoochun-senpai, why are you calling so early in the morning?”

“Oi, Oi, you shouldn’t complain, anyway I called to wake you up so you wouldn’t be late. I know you have a tendency to just turn off your alarm clock.”

“Hai, Hai, anyway I’m awake now and I have to take a bath now. Just call again later okay.”


As the call ended, what happened yesterday after senpai’s call came flashing through my mind. Changmin sure looked cute blushing like that. I wonder if what Jerry said was true. Well, if his blush was any indication, I’d say he fancies me. Hehe. I shouldn’t have such thoughts, but it feels nice. Hehe.

At school…

Aish! I’m late. The teacher’s already in. What am I gonna do? He’s sure to notice me get in. Hmm. What did that guy do in that menthos advertisement? I wonder if it works here. No harm in trying I guess. I slowly started to walk backwards. My classmates were giving me such weird looks. I can’t blame them really. I made it until the second row in the middle aisle when…

“And where do you think you’re going Mr. Shim? Sit down.”

“Yes sir.” Phew. Hehe. It did work.

“Smooth. Really smooth.” It was Aline.

“I had to do something. I forgot to buy an alarm clock again and my body clock isn’t really working with me with this schedule.”


“Do you have something to do this afternoon?”

“Why do you ask?” Yes! This is a chance to be with her even if it’s not a formal date.

“I was wondering if you’d come with me to buy an alarm clock. I really do need one.”

“I can see that you do. Well, my class ends at 4:00. Where should we meet?”

“You’ll accompany me?”

“You don’t want me to? Well, that’s fine I kind of want to go home immediately anyway.”

“No, no.”

“Did you want something Mr. Shim?” The teacher faced our way, and was looking irritated at me. I looked at Aline who was busy copying what was on the board.

“Umm. Nothing sir.”

“So, umm, you’ll come with me?” I asked her again when the teacher’s back was turned away.

“Didn’t I say so?”

“No, you didn’t. You just implied it.”

“Isn’t that enough?”

“It is, so let’s meet at the benches near the gate at say 4:30 pm?”

“Sure.” She said this so nonchalantly that I couldn’t believe she really meant it, but then she smiled and it was like the heavens opened up before me.

After school at the gate…

He’s late. It’s already 15 minutes past 4:30. I’ll wait ten more minutes and if he doesn’t arrive, then screw our agreement. I really dislike people who don’t arrive at the agreed time. It’s not polite in my opinion to keep a person waiting when there could something else he/she can do instead of wasting time waiting for them.

Ah, there he is. He was in a combination of a walk and run as he hurried towards me.

“Huff! Huff! I’m so sorry I’m late. Our professor ordered me to do take something to his office and then ordered me again to take some papers to a classroom. Did you wait long?”

“About 15 minutes. And it’s all right, you had a valid reason anyway. Umm, why don’t you sit down for a minute, you’re way out of breath.”

“Thanks.” He sat down, catching his breath while I sat beside him and looked at the people passing by us. As I continued to scan the whole area which was in my line of vision, I noticed several girls hiding behind a wall, a post, a bush, and anything else they could hide behind. I knew that they were looking at Changmin, and they were giving me baleful looks.

“Looks like your admirers are ready to kill me.”


“Them.” I said, pointing to all the places the girls were hiding behind. The girls were trying their best to move deeper into their hiding places so that Changmin won’t see them. What did they think they were doing? Any idiot could immediately see them from their hiding places. I bet these girls always lost in a game of hide and seek. I shook my head at their audacity.

“You catch your breath yet?” I asked him. I was getting tired of the glares I was getting from those annoying girls.

“Yup! We can go now.”

“Good.” I stood up and went ahead of him. I was walking straight for the gate when I felt something tug at my bag.

“Your bag is heavy. Let me carry it for you.” I raised an eyebrow at him.


“This is a shoulder bag. You’d look like a girl or a homosexual carrying this.”

“So? I don’t mind.”

“I do. I’ll carry this myself, I can carry my own bag, and besides only a girl’s boyfriend carry’s her bag for her and you’re not my boyfriend.”

“I can be. Come on. I’m just trying to be a gentleman.”

“Very funny.” I moved towards the gate again, but he still wouldn’t let go of my bag, so, “All right already, carry my bag, whatever you want. Can we go now?”

“Yup! We can go now. He happily slung my bag on his shoulder. I shook my head in amusement at him. He is a very determined person once he sets his mind on what he wants, nay, I should think stubborn is the right word.

All the way to the mall, he always kept light conversation flowing between us. His topics ranged from our favourite food, movies, books, music, to hobbies and other stuff which were mostly nonsense.

At the mall, as we were looking for a store which sells alarm clocks, I heard something which distinctly sounded like a stomach grumbling. I looked at Changmin to find him looking pretty embarrassed at me.

“If you’re wondering where that hideous sound came from, I’ll tell you now that it was my tummy asking for food.”

“Mfp! Your tummy?” I asked trying to contain my laughter.

“What’s so funny? Everyone’s tummy makes a sound when it’s hungry.”

“I know that, what I’m laughing at is what you called your stomach. I would think only my roommate and any other kid would use that term. But for it to come from you, I never imagined.”

“Well you don’t have to imagine anymore because I already said it. Can we at least eat first?” He sounded annoyed at me, but I wasn’t sorry. It really was what I thought.

“All right. Where do you want to eat?”


And we made our way to McDonalds. Once there…

“What would you like?”

“You’re treating me, despite what I said earlier?”

“Yeah. Now what do you want?”

“A cheeseburger deluxe.”


“A McFlurry.”

“All right.” He started giving our order to the clerk entertaining us.

“I’ll go find us a table.”


I found a nice spot on a cushioned seat beside the glass wall. As I sat waiting for him, I saw kids chasing each around. Kids really were so cute. I was intently watching them so I didn’t notice he had already arrived with our order. As he placed the tray on the table, two more trays followed. I gaped at him in shock.

“You really weren’t kidding when you said you were hungry. But can you consume all of these?”

“Yup! And besides, I ordered the apple pie thing with the cinnamon and another order of large fries for you.” So he noticed me looking at the poster of that pie.

“You’re quite observant aren’t you?”

“I couldn’t bear to see your face with such naked longing for that pie.” He grinned.

“Hahaha. Whatever. Anyway thanks.” I smiled at him and he smiled back.

“Let’s eat. Itadakimasu!”


At Aline’s dorm…

“Thanks for taking me with you. Aside from that fabulous snack turned dinner which was free, I really had a lot of fun.”

We were at the front door of her dormitory. I insisted on taking her home because it was almost eight in the evening and it would be impolite of me not to take her home. I also wanted to know where she lived. Hehe.

“No problem. Maybe we can do it again some other time.”

“Hm. Maybe.”

“I’ll treat you to dinner again.”

“Do you think I can be bribed by food?”


“Then the answer is no Shim Changmin.”

“Oi, oi. I was just kidding. And can you just call me Min? All my close friends call me that.”

“So were close now?”

“I should say so.”

“I’ll think about it. Bye now. See you in class.”

“Can’t I see you even if it isn’t in class?”

“Whatever. Go. Now.” She turned around and went up the stairs for her floor.

“Bye.” I called out.


One week later …

I was teaching her how to do a particular computation in our math class when the bell rang. She was having trouble with that computation for some time now, or so she said. She finally asked my help today because she really couldn’t figure it out on her own.

“Math is really a teacher factor subject for me. I’m not really that good at it if the teacher goes too fast for me during discussion. Thanks for the help, I get it now.” She said this with a smile of gratitude.

“No problem. If you need any more help just ask me, I’ll be willing to help.”

“Okay. Thanks again.”

“Hey Al−“


“Yeah. Al, hmm, I think I like calling you that. Anyway, they say there are fireworks tonight to start the school festival.”

“So?” Is she insensitive or what? She can’t even sense that I’m hinting on wanting to watch it with her? Sigh. Anyway…

“I was wondering if you’d like to watch it with me.”

“Hmm. I already promised to watch it with my roommates, but if you don’t mind my roommates being present, you’re welcome to join us. But I would have thought you would watch it with your male friends, Jerry and Ian.”

“I thought about that, but I would rather watch it with you, so if your roommates won’t mind I’ll join you guys.”

“Oh, I don’t think they would mind. Anyway, were meeting at the cafeteria. Both of them are Catholic so they’d be joining the mass.”

“All right. Umm, can I have your phone number so I can call you if I can’t make it, or I’ll be late or something like that?”

“All right.” She gave me her phone number and then we went to the cafeteria as is our habit after class.

4:30 pm, at the cafeteria…

Where is she? I never thought a lot of the students in school were non-Catholics or maybe they were but they just didn’t feel like joining the mass. How am I supposed to find her in all this chaos? I tried to call her again.

‘The number you have dialled is busy at the moment, please try your call later.’ Where is she? Who is she talking to?  Aish! What at time for her to be talking to someone else. Why is the cafeteria so big anyway? I kept looking for her and finally spotted her on a table near one of the exits.  She was talking to someone on the phone and was obviously enjoying it.  I made my way to her. She spotted me and waved me an invitation to sit down across from her. As I sat down, she greeted me with a cheerful hi and then went back to whoever she was talking to. I was completely ignored for about five more minutes and then her call was ended. She looked positively cheerful. I wonder who she was talking to. Was it the same guy she talked to when I saw her at the Garden Of Knowledge?

“So who was that guy you were talking to?”

“My best friend. Why do you ask? And how’d you know it was a guy?”

“Just curious, and about how I knew it was a guy. Well, just say it was a hunch. You were here since 4:00 o’clock?”

“Yup! I had nowhere else to go, so I just stayed here to wait for you guys. By the way I already told my roommates you were joining us and they’re okay with it.”

“Oh, okay. You hungry?”

“Is food all you ever think about?”

“It is when I’m surrounded by it, and this is the cafeteria, so it qualifies as a scenario where I am surrounded by food.” She laughed at that, her eyes sparkling with her amusement. I’ve never seen her in such a good mood before, must be because of her best friend’s call. I frowned. Who was he anyway? I felt something which suspiciously seemed like jealousy creep up my spine. I jerked up suddenly at that thought. Me? Jealous? He’s her best friend for goodness sake, I shouldn’t be jealous of him. Should I?

“Changmin, are you all right?”

“Huh?” I didn’t know what she meant, but she was giving me a curious look. Drats, I was so preoccupied with my own thoughts that I didn’t know how to answer her.

“I asked if you were all right. You suddenly jerked in your seat as if someone poked something sharp in your butt.”

“Yeah, um, I’m fine.”

“You sure?”

“Yup, I’m sure.”

“Okay then. What should we eat? My treat.” Woah! Wait just a freakin’ minute here. Did I actually hear her right?

“Your treat?”

“Uhuh. Isn’t that what I just said. You better grab the opportunity now, I don’t treat anyone that much, not even my best friend Chie.”

“And why is it that you suddenly felt like treating today?”

“Let’s just say I’m in a good mood, so you’d better come with me right now and choose what you want to eat.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the direction of food. I looked at our clasped hands and wondered if she had any idea what effect it had on me.

“Hey Changmin…”


“Fine, Min. Do you think that pizza tastes good?” she said pointing at a stall that sells pizza, “I’ve been craving for pizza since last week.”

“Well, there’s only one way to find out.”

“You’re right. Let’s go buy some.” And she pulled me again, this time in one particular direction. The pizza stall. We made several other stops before we finally went back to our table.

“What would you like to drink. I’m buying the drinks since you bought all this food.”

“I’d like a Coke.”

“Okay. Wait here, and don’t you dare eat before I come back.” I gave the fiercest look I could muster. She laughed.

“Hai, hai. I won’t.”

I went to buy us drinks, came back and then we started eating. The mass ended after a while and we saw people making their way to the soccer field finding a good spot to watch the fireworks. Her friends came in a few minutes after 5:00 pm and then we made our way to the soccer field.  At exactly 6:30 pm, the fireworks began. There were a lot of oohs and aahs from all of us who watched. It’s funny though because most fireworks are the same but it never ceases to amaze us everytime.

Afterwards, the teams for the invitational games were being introduced. First were the teams for the men’s sports. There were a lot of cheers, a more appropriate term would be screams though, from the ladies when a team has handsome players. Aline’s friends were screaming more than she did. I guess she’s picky when it comes to a guy’s looks, but she would scream just the same if she found a particular guy handsome. Next, they were introducing the teams for the women’s sports. Hah! This time it was the guys who were noisy for much about the same reason the girls were. What a great way to end the day and start the school festival.

* tvxq, * pairing: changmin and fc, * genre: romance, * rating: g, * author:changline, * genre: angst

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