My Christmas Miracle (Chapter 3)

Feb 07, 2012 19:13

Title: My Christmas Miracle
By: changline
Pairing: Changmin and OC
Genre: angst, romance
Summary: Seiren's lost three boyfriends, all dead, and she blames herself for their death's. She doesn't want to go into a new relationship, afraid that the next guy might die like the others. Will Changmin be able to convince her she's not to blame, or will he  end up like the others?

                Changmin had no idea what in hell he was doing. But he was frequently finding himself at C’est Magnifique everyday for the past four days. He already        memorized the menu but he only saw Seiren four times in all the time he was at the restaurant, each and everytime though a melody or lyrics would always pop into his head. He was on his way to making a new song. So here he was again today, inside the restaurant, hoping she’d come out of her office.

“He’s here again?” Aya whispered.

“Yup.” Jungsoo, a waiter, answered. “We should probably tell her that we have a situation.”

“Tell who we have a situation?”

“Seiren-sama of course.”

“And what situation is that?”

“An obsession.”


“That guy, Shim? That was his name right? He is obsessed with our boss, that’s why he’s here everyday trying to get a glimpse of her.”

“I wonder if she’s even aware of it.”

“No way. She’s been cooped up in her office most of the time. You should tell her Aya.”

“Tell her what?”

“Sigh. Aya, why are you always so slow. Tell her that she has a potential suitor, if she gets a boyfriend she might lighten up again.”

“You’re right Jungsoo, I’ll go tell her now.” Aya said excitedly, turning to go tell Seiren.

“Andwe.” Honoka said, blocking Aya’s path.

“Doushitte Honoka-san? I know you want Seiren-sama to be happy again just like the rest of us.” Jungsoo asked.

“I know, but now is not the time.”


“Don’t you know what date it is today?”

“Ah… It’s December…” Jungsoo turned to look at a calendar. “…18...Oh.”

“Yes, oh. Tell her some other time, just not today. Okay?”



Changmin sighed as he sat in his car on the parking lot of C’est Magnifique waiting for Seiren to come out. He hadn’t seen her at all that day.

What in the world am I doing? I should be working now, not sitting here like some love struck puppy. Yet, there he was, just like a love struck puppy. He didn’t know what, but something about her drew him like a magnet, like a moth to a flame.

Just when decided to leave, he saw her come out of the restaurant along with the other employees. All of them were in high spirits, all excited to go home except her. She seemed like she was in a trance. Physically present, mentally absent. When she slipped on a puddle of water, one of her staff from behind her steadied her easily- like it was a common occurrence.

“Daijoubu Seiren-sama?” Jungsoo asked in concern. Little accident like this always happened to her on this day of the year. Thankfully it only happened when they were on their way home from work and not during work. He along with everyone else on staff was concerned for her safety and well-being, especially on this day. The day two of her boyfriends died.

“Seiren-sama, we’ll be going now. Will you be alright going home, or would you like to hitch a ride with us?” Jungsoo asked.

“I’ll be fine. I have my car with me.” Seiren answered.

“That’s exactly why were worried.” Honoka murmured. Last year she’d had a minor car accident because she’d spaced out while driving.

When Seiren saw the genuine concern in all of their gazes, she sighed and reassured them, “Don’t worry, I’ll take a cab this time. Go and enjoy yourselves for whatever you guys have planned.”

They hesitated for about two seconds before nodding and cheerfully saying goodbye. When they were out of range, Seiren went to her car and just sat on the hood, trying to keep her mind blank. Problem was it wouldn’t stay blank especially on this day. Suddenly, unwelcome images flooded her mind, just like it usually did on this day, Kaname, Nino, and Donghae’s pale, cold, dead bodies in the hospital beds. She really wished she had died instead of Donghae on their accident. It was just her bad luck that she was still alive.

Changmin watched her as tears flowed from her eyes unchecked. She was staring out onto nothing and was crying. He felt his chest clench painfully for the pain he saw she was obviously experiencing. He wanted to go to her and give her comfort, but he didn’t know if she would welcome it so he stayed where he was. But when it started snowing and she showed no signs of noticing that it was, his concern for her overcame his reluctance to go to her especially since he saw she wasn’t wearing a coat fit for really cold weather.

He got out of his car and went to her. He shook his head in disbelief when she didn’t even notice him standing beside her. He took of his coat and placed it over her. She still hadn’t move, too deep in her thoughts to notice anything.

Tears kept flowing down her cheeks as her pain overcame her. Seiren was too tired of fighting it, it was easier to feel it, to let it out then try and move on when the pain has surpassed. She felt cold, but she always did at this day of the year so she couldn’t even distinguish that the cold she was feeling wasn’t from the inside.

Changmin couldn’t stand it anymore. He couldn’t stand just standing there and watching her cry, so he picked her up and carried her back to his car. He got in the driver’s seat with her on his lap; he pushed his seat back so she wouldn’t be pressed against the steering wheel. He could feel her shaking from the cold. Her body was reacting to the cold, but her mind was still elsewhere. He turned on the heater and just held her.

Seiren felt the coldness seeping out of her. She felt something rubbing her arms, and she was starting to get warm. She came to herself when she noticed the sound of heartbeat right beside her ear. She blinked, her eyes adjusting to the dark. When she realized she was inside a car- and not her car- and that she was being held by someone who she was sure is a man, she felt hysteria begin to form.

How long was I sitting out there staring into nothing? She thought, as she tried to calm down. She almost got raped the last time she spaced out, it was a good thing Jungsoo forgot something and came back to the restaurant. When the man’s hands started to glide back up her arm, instinct took over and she sat up fast and tried to escape.

Changmin was startled when she suddenly bolted and reached for the door on the passenger’s side, but he quickly recovered. He grabbed her and pulled her back onto his lap before she could even open the door. He shushed her gently when she still struggled in his hold.

“Shh…Sh..calm down, it’s just me.”

Seiren stopped struggling when she felt she’d heard that voice somewhere before she looked up to see who it was. “Shim-san?”

Changmin nodded. “Do you feel alright now?”

“What are you doing here?” She asked at the same time. “What am I doing here? This isn’t my car.”

Changmin looked guilty as he stared out his window when he answered her. “I was just around. Then I saw you were about to freeze to death on the hood of your car, so I carried you in here to keep you warm.” He looked down and frowned at her. “What were you doing spacing out like that in a parking lot, late at night? Do you know that a lot of bad things could happen to you besides freezing to death? What if some drunk bastard came and suddenly raped you huh?” Anger and concern for her made him raise his voice at her unconsciously.

She looked down. “I know.” She said in a small voice, he almost didn’t hear.

“Why were you spacing out and crying?” Changmin asked, curiosity and the need to comfort her won out against the voice in his said telling him it was none of his business. He felt her shaking in his hold.

Seiren struggled to get hold of her emotions but it was no use. Fresh tears streamed down her face and she was desperately wiping at them. “Today is the death anniversary of three of my boyfriends.” She answered him sobbing; she didn’t know why she told him. Maybe she just needed to let it out.

“Death anniversary?

Seiren nodded. “It’s my fault all three of them died. Maybe if I wasn’t their girlfriend, they might still be alive.”

She was startled when Changmin held her chin gently and made her look at him. “Why are you blaming yourself? How can it be your fault?”

“Well, Kaname was driving faster to be by my side even when his mother didn’t even like me and the weather was really bad. He got into a car accident. Nino was crossing the street for his car because I told him to go ahead of me ‘cause there was a call for me. We were supposed to have lunch together. He got hit by a car as he was crossing the street. Donghae and I got into an accident as we were going to a party the restaurant was catering, he was also driving faster than he should have been because we were running late. Maybe if I wasn’t such a punctual freak, he might still be alive today. I wished I’d died instead of him.”

Changmin pressed her head to his chest. This woman had some very unpleasant ghosts haunting her. “It’s not your fault you know.”

“I feel like it is. They all died because of me and on the same day too.” She continued sobbing, as she buried her head to his chest.

A/N: Hwuahhh..been gone for so long and will probably be again...I'm having a sort of hard time with this fic and omo...two Christmases hve already gone by and I still haven't finished this...anyway, hope you like it...comments please...^^

genre: romance, author:changline, length: oneshot, rating: g, genre: angst, pairing: changmin and fc

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