May 06, 2008 23:42

[Screened to Residents of Loh-Eksi]

Albel, Sheifa, Tomoyo? I've gotten myself a kind of stalker, apparently, and he's been sneaking in the flat. I put up quite a few wards up against the man and a few others. It's Barty Crouch, pale snakey guy, this charming kid named Tom Riddle, my auntie Bellatrix...

So if you feel some kind of a bit odd walking through the door, it's just the magic getting accustomed to you. Awfully sorry about this.

And I wanted to know if you all wanted me to put up a ward against any others - Sheifa, your mum, or whoever else has problems with the Loh-Eksi population.

[End Screening]

Wotcher, Econtra!

So I wanted to know...
How are all of you, mates?
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