I'd like to welcome everyone to
changingfacades, A Second War and Beyond Snape/Lupin community.
I'm excited for the community to open and hope everyone enjoys their stay.
A little bit about the community, it will feature fic, art, meta and recs of the relationship between everyone's favourite werewolf and potions master. For purposes of the community, second war includes all the current canon and beyond... is whatever your little heart desires.
So please, join sit back and enjoy the ride. All of the pertinent info can be found
here. And please, pass the news around and feel free to post fic and art or anything else! You don't have to wait for a challenge!
Challenges will be posted every monday so keep an eye out for the first one, coming on the 19th!
If you have anything you'd like to see or would like to send in rec's, challenge ideas, etc, feel free to
email me!