Aug 30, 2005 12:55
Acute sense detects your anguish
Head heald high into the wind
Leaps and bounds leave craters in my wake
The strong vibrations guide my travel
All else seems distant
buildings and bridges sway to greet me
or perhaps to admit a somber farewell
This path I travel is worn and old
More dependable than most
My shimmering phantom slides to a halt
a cloud of dust struggles to catch up and then envelopes me
My steps are strong and confident
Your reflection reflected in brown pools
We have taken comfort in this understanding
Relief washes over us as appendages extend
The soft skin coating your slender, reaching fingers approaches quickly
Flesh touches flesh and for an instant the golden rays brighten as if accentuating our joy
A moment before my hand it crumbles like a nightmare come to life
My gaze shifts quickly from you down to my hands scattered grey remains
In just a moment the light was drained away replaced by a blanket of black
I throw myself towards you in one last frantic attempt
.....I am just in time
To watch you scream and flail