Jul 13, 2007 15:14
So I am aware that I haven't really posted anything about whats been going on recently and today will change all of that. I have been thinking about this post since about 11 a.m. or so and how it would be structured, the words that I would use to describe today...Today was amazing, I cannot think of any better way to describe it. Every job I have ever had since I was 14 I have busted my ass doing said job and today was one of those days that my sweat and fatigue paid off in spades.
All this week and back as far as friday I have been opening the department, by myself. I certainly am not complaining I have no quams working alone at all actually its kinda nice. So being the person who opens the department for the day carries with it many responsibilities aside from just setting up the display case and throwing out any bad fishes. Shortly after punching in for the day and beginning the long process of opening I was informed that "a visitor" or in other words somebody high up on the food chain would be stopping in and I was asked to get the case done as quickly as I could and make it look good. So because today is Friday the new sales for the week begin. That meant that the case needed to be set up differently than usual with the things that had just gone on sale this morning needed to be set up in the middle of the case. Ok I thought, I can do that. Long story short I set everything up the way they wanted me to and then proceeded to add the "flare" Dill and Kepla for anyone curious because apparently fish, clams and shellfish need flare. The visitor whos name was Debbie, Kevin and Frank and Tim who are all managers or higher up I dunno Tim happens to be the manager of the Deli (the dept. next door) and everyone else who even mentioned the display case had nothing but great compliments to give. The words spectacular, really good, very good and great were a few that I recieved. I am sure that my time with Dave in all of those kitchens helped as presentation was important there too and is after all where my knowledge of flare was born. Every compliment, and there were many including "Dennis (who is my manager and is away on vacation this week) will be happy was a boost to my ego and just made my day. Made me feel happy to go back into work after my first 10 minute break and let me tell you it has been a long time since I felt that way at work. My day Fuckin' rocked. I am very happy to know that the aching muscles and the sweat are not in vain.
Now I am off for more conquest and glory, off to play Guitar Hero 2 and wow my snorting fans!