Night prompt for au_muses

Oct 18, 2007 01:02

It had been one of those days at the school and there was an air of foreboding surrounding everyone and everything. It was exactly 15 years since that night that school, this school, the night it was rocked to its very foundations. So many had lost their lives trying to save the world and keep it the way it was, so many lost heroes.

Teddy was lying on his bed wide awake and just starring up at the ceiling, the stories he had heard about that night were playing over and over in his head. How often had he heard the adults talking of that night, the night so many had lost their lives and a night that his own parents had almost lost theirs too. Had those spells that had been aimed at them been a few more inches to the side…No he didn’t want to think about that, he couldn’t think about that. Had he lost his parents he didn’t want to think what his life would have been like. Teddy knew that he wouldn’t have wanted for anything had something happened to his parents, but nothing can replace the love a parent gives you.

In the darkness he heard the rustling of bedding before the shuffling of feet against the cold stone floor.

“Teddy? Teddy are you awake?” It was Joseph; his father had been among those killed the night of the Hogwarts Battle.

“Yeah, I’m awake, hold on.” Reaching for his wand he pulled the curtains closed around his bed before shifting over to ones side, “climb up and pull the curtain closed.” Once he heard it close he cast lumos, the bright light illuminating their faces.

Joseph’s face was red and blotchy from where he’d been, and was still crying, Teddy’s face fell and he reached out and brushed the tears from his friends’ cheeks, “Hey, shhhh.”

Dulling his wand he pulled him into a hug, just comforting him while he cried. He knew it must have been hard growing up without a parent, he knew there were many people who had done it, but it was heartbreaking and the questions must always be swarming around his head. Am I good enough, would I have made him proud, how different would I be if he had been around.

He could imagine the weight of those questions was almost crippling, that they would tear you up inside until you didn’t know if you were really you or the person you think they would have wanted you to be.

“It’s alright,” he whispered softly, “I promise it’s all right, if you want to talk about it I…”

But Joseph shook his head and slowly looked up, “I just, it’s hard this time of the year, I…” He looked up at Teddy as Teddy looked down upon him and there was that moment, the moment where someone needed to pull away or something would happen. But neither did and soon he felt Joseph’s lips brush his own before he kissed him in a needy fashion. Teddy tried to mutter that this wasn’t what he needed right now but his words were lost in the lips that were pressed to his own.

Arms wound around the boy before him as the kiss deepened and Teddy found himself lose in the feeling of such closeness, such want. He didn’t think he had ever felt someone need him as much as he was needed right at this moment and it was so empowering.

It was sometime later they found themselves laying sweat ridden in one another’s arms, Joseph nuzzling sleeping into Teddy’s neck. He’d never expected this would happen at least not with him and he knew that as Joseph finally dressed himself and headed back to his own bed it probably wouldn’t again. At least until next year.

fic, au muses

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