I haven't been on a good hike in at least a year, but my cousin and I headed up to the mountains on Saturday for about a 7 mile roundtrip hike. Saw several whiptails, which I haven't seen since I spent a summer out in Arizona a few years back. It's always nice to know that there are other lizards besides the western fence lizards around. If ever there were a rat in the reptilian world . . .
Surrounded by squirrel chatter, jay calls, and song sparrow songs, I saw some neat birds I haven't seen for a while in the city either, some black-headed grosbeaks, a couple of orange-crowned warblers, what might have been a black-chinned hummingbird, a song sparrow, and several other birds that are common in the city.
So on Sunday, I was feeling all sorts of muscles I didn't know I had, and hobbling around Disneyland as we got in a 3 hr line to wait for the Nemo ride at Disneyland (friends were willing to put themselves up to this torture, so I decided what the hell). More waiting ensued after that, as summer crowds have descended and, subsequently, rides broke down. Hmm, Disneyland also seems to have devoured my white cardigan . . .
Soreness finally subsided yesterday, which just goes to show you how relatively sedentary my life has been lately. Need more exercise. O.o
Meanwhile, I'll leave you with some
work-art. Four year exhibit improvement grant project rendering started by my old coworker and reworked by me. Photoshop and Illustrator with elements of sketching, Sketchup, and photos. Owned by my workplace.