Mar 02, 2011 17:27
It's really hard to feel empowered by Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" when I'm sick and coughing up things I don't even remember inhaling.
My third TPA (Assessing Learning) is due Sunday at midnight. I got today off to work on it, but I have to be in Thursday and Friday the kids go on a fieldtrip to the Oakland Zoo so I need to be there for that to corral them.
At least my solo week is over. And I didn't even strangle one first grader. Although, on the last day, I was giving out classroom jobs to the kids and I paused to do calendar after choosing my calendar helpers. My favorite student, G, got up to talk to Ms. Edie and she said, "No, sit down. Ms. Jane is your teacher today."
G: I hate it when Ms. Jane is the teacher...
You just moved moved down the ranks, kid, from first to 18th favorite student >:-(.
No, I still adore him. He just speaks in hyperbole and blurts out the first thing that comes to mind.