Adventures in special ed.

Mar 12, 2009 16:18

Today Alijah asked me out. He's a 14-year-old epileptic kid in my Thursday special ed. class. He also asked out Samantha, one of the aides.

Bridie felt "bad" and started crying. Not in the way I'm used to kids or special kids crying, in that just standing there sobbing and getting mucus every way, but sitting in a chair with her hand over her face and crying quietly. Poor Bridie. Then it got Christilyn's attention, and Christilyn's empathy kicked in and her face just scrunched up and she started whimpering and crying. It was sweet how much seeing Bridie upset affected her. Bridie's mom came to pick her up. Apparently yesterday's sub had forgotten about Bridie's daily medicine and her system is out of whack now.

There was an announcement on the loud speakers about a girl who was killed last night. The media is reporting her as having attended Oakland High, but there's no girl by her name here. The announcement was saying that anyone who was related to or knew her was allowed to go to the wellness center, but that no other students should be given passes unless it's an emergency.

And, lastly, Steven P., the boy who had the seizures last week, wasn't here this Thursday. He had three seizures on the bus and his uncle picked him up to take him home. The first one was long - five minutes. The next two were three and a half and three minutes long. His medication is going to be changed and hopefully that will help with his seizures.

That boy is not long for this world.

seizure, special ed

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