Sep 25, 2007 13:02

Who: Wakato and Kajimoto~!
What: About every cliche that could be crammed into this log that is RATHER LONG FOR US
Why: Uh. Cuteness. And it continued being retardedly adorable because we clearly need to sleep more. Plus they came up with a surprising amount to talk about. O.o
When: Last night!

And I really mean it. This is likely the most retardedly, amazingly CUTE thing ever. We were dyyyyyying!

Wakato: *knocks on Kajimotos door and hates it because it's BORING and isn't pebbles which is MUCH LESS BORING* *hiding a badly wrapped package behind his back* *WAITS*

Kajimoto: *might have accidentally forgotten that Wakato was coming over because might have been watching a television show on the evolution of tennis instead* *gets up to open door* .....*blinks* What are you doing here? o.o

Wakato: *would facepalm if not for the PACKAGE* I ASKED you if I could come by, REMEMBER? Come on!

Kajimoto: Oh. Of course. Sorry, I was distracted. *opened the door and stepped aside to allow him to come inside*

Wakato: *blinks at him* I meant I wanted you to come with me. *SIGHS*

Kajimoto: ....oh. *blinks* Where?

Wakato: Out? Nowhere too far, promise! Won't keep you up past your bedtime or anything. *winks*

Kajimoto: That would be difficult seeing as how it is rather early. *gestures to the SUN in the sky and things*

Wakato: WELL. *laughs nervously* I was...just saying? Will you come?

Kajimoto: *sighs and disappears to get his key* *returns with it, locking the door behind him as he closes it* I suppose.

Wakato: Excellent! *grins hugely* This way! *leads him off down the road, trying to keep the present out of sight* *having trouble with that, really*

Kajimoto: *is dragged somewhere random as per always* What are you hiding behind your back? *tries to see what it is*

Wakato: Nothing! *shifts so it CANNOT BE SEEN*

Kajimoto: *frowns* You have been hiding quite a bit from me lately, Wakato.

Wakato: Just the....one thing. With Sengoku. And you REALLY don't need to know about that. TRUST ME. *grins nervously* You'll find out this part when we get....where we're going. Okay?!

Kajimoto: Uh....huh. *looks at him suspiciously* *why won't anyone tell him anything? ;_;*

Wakato: PROMISE! *turns down a road away from houses and stuff* *will tell him everything IN TIME*

Wakato: *maybe*

Kajimoto: *follows, saying nothing* *may or may not be miffed at LACK OF INFORMATION HERE >|*

Wakato: *turns another corner!* Thanks. By the way. For helping me with that move. *shoots him a grin*

Kajimoto: *nods* Thank you. For. Helping me with my endurance. *expression lightens just a little and you MIGHT be able to see a smile if you had a microscope or something*

Wakato: *can ALMOST DETECT THAT SMILE* *is almost there* Don't worry, not much further now. *has taken Kaji this way befooooore*

Kajimoto: Are we going to the park? *looks confused*

Wakato: Maaaaybe! *walks a bit further and LO AND BEHOLD, there is the park* Okay, yeah. We're going to the park.

Kajimoto: *stony-faced* I am not climbing a tree.

Wakato: But it was so much FUN last time! *is just teasing, really. *heads for some handy swings*

Kajimoto: No. *glares*

Wakato: *SIGHS* I wasn't going to make you, really. Well. I mean. It would be nice if you WANTED to, but yeah. *looks at the swing and wonders how to sit down without revealing the present*

Kajimoto: Oh. Well. Good. *takes a seat in the swing next to him*

Wakato: *gives up and sits down normally, holding the present out* This is for you.

Kajimoto: I--er. What is this? *takes it, blinking*

Wakato: A present, idiot. *kicks of and swings so he is not so clearly embarrassed at giving him a present for NO REASON*

Kajimoto: For what? *slowly unwraps it* *finds a pretty white candle* *looks at Wakato questioningly*

Wakato: Because I felt like giving you a present, OKAY? *stops swinging for a minute* It's for your yoga...thing. I know your last one was getting kind of stumpy.

Kajimoto: Oh. I...thank you. *colors very very very slightly* It--er. It was. I...appreciate it.

Wakato: *grins brightly* Okay. Um. Good! I'm glad. *kicks off a bit* Want to swing? Less, er. High. Than a tree.

Kajimoto: I am not afraid of swinging. *pushes self off to swing*

Wakato: Well. Good! *swings a bit higher than Kajimoto*

Kajimoto: *pumps feet to push himself even higher* *thinks this is rather fun*

Wakato: *looks over and sees Kaji going HIGHER* Hey now! *goes higher too!*

Kajimoto: Rather competitive aren't we? *hiiiiiiiiiiiigher*

Wakato: Of COURSE! *hiiiiiiiiiiiiigher yet!* *could almost kick the leaves with his toes*

Kajimoto: *stops pumping so swinging isn't so fast and violent anymore* *swings gently, but still high* Why did you want to come to the park?

Wakato: *slows down a bit too* Because it's nice out and I wanted to make the most of it? *shrugs* Wouldn't have minded climbing a tree again either. But this is still fun.

Kajimoto: Ah. I prefer the swing. *swings silently*

Wakato: I figured. *swings awkwardly silent* *can't take this. *jumps out into midair with a WHOOOP!*

Kajimoto: *blinks and jolts in surprise, causing swing to twist and turn in circles*

Wakato: *lands and rolls* *calls back* JUMP! It's like FLYING!

Kajimoto: *trying to untangle swing* *swings around in a circle with a swoooooooooooosh as swing untwists*

Wakato: *sits up* *does something close to a giggle but so isn't admitting that* How did you manage that??

Kajimoto: *finally manages to straighten and swing stops twisting* Raw talent, apparently.

Wakato: You have Swing Skills, I see. *laughs and stands up* *brushes self off* *sits back down with a grin* Sure about that tree then?

Kajimoto: *gets up from swing, a bit dizzy* Perfectly sure. However, should you choose to climb one, I would not be opposed to watching.

Wakato: Well that wouldn't be any fun. Or. Not as much. *moves so he can make sure any dizzy spells don't make Kajimoto stumble!* *caring like that* *when it's Kaji* *would let most people fall and laugh* We could, uh. Go walking?

Kajimoto: I thought you liked climbing trees? *looks confused* *but stable* Walking? Isn't that a bit, ah, peaceful for you?

Wakato: I do! But. It's not as much fun if I can't haul you up with me? *still staying nearby* And er. Yeah. I guess. But you like calm. And I already got to jump out of a swing so I guess that's alright.

Kajimoto: I could....*hesitates* Do something. You like to do. I. Suppose. As long as it does not. Involve trees.

Wakato: I don't, well. Mind. Walking. It's....nice, I suppose. *awkward* Unless you want to swing more?

Kajimoto: I--er. I do not care. Either way. *awkwardawkward*

Wakato: Let's walk then! *plucks a leaf and twirls it* *rips it down all the little veins* *tempted to flick the pieces at Kaji*

Kajimoto: *holds candle and walks beside Wakato* *tempted to smell it, but doesn't* Violence does not solve anything, Wakato.

Wakato: *shoots him a glare and flicks one of the leaf bits* Sure it does. It solves.....wars.

Kajimoto: *stares at him blankly*

Wakato: *shrugs* *tosses the leaf bits and swings his arms back and forth* Sunset should be sometime soon, right?

Kajimoto: I suppose so. Why? *watches in faint amusement*

Wakato: Oh, no reason! *keeps walking* *brushes hand idly against Kaji's as he does so* *trying very hard to NOT BLUSH OR ANYTHING EMBARRASSING*

Kajimoto: *surprised by hand brush* *trying hard not to blush as well* *not that he knows why* Er.

Wakato: Um. *does it again* *definitely blushing* *hooks pinkies* Ah...haha.

Kajimoto: I--er. *stares at pinkies* *opens mouth to comment* *.......has nothing to say* *slightly pink*

Wakato: Um. Sorry. Yeah. *pulls his hand back* *bright red* *plops down on a nice-looking bit of grass to wait for sunset or something* *possibly just to wait until he's less embarassed*

Kajimoto: Er. Right. *sits down next to him* *Forgets It Happened*

Wakato: *plucks at the grass* *notices his hand is sorta close to Kajimoto's again* *resisting urge to scoot closer* So. Er. Did you finish your homework and all?

Kajimoto: *doesn't notice as is Very Dense* I--er. Yes. Even algebra. I think I'm getting better at it. *smiles at the thought*

Wakato: Well that's...good. I have some left. *inches closer* Algebra. Because I'm NOT getting better at it. Ahahaha.

Kajimoto: I could. Er. Try to help you?

Wakato: That'd be nice. *turns and grins at him* *mini-scoot* I mean. I could DO it. But. It'd be easier. And I could do more of OTHER things. Like. Tennis.

Kajimoto: Well. I wouldn't do it for you. But. To help. I could. *blissfully ignores mini-scoot* Tennis is very important. Clearly.

Wakato: Well no. Cause you'd make me learn. *smirks* But it's all in the name of better tennis. And me not failing Algebra. NOT THAT I WOULD. But. *pinkies almost brushing as he scoots ONCE MORE*

Kajimoto: Of course. Not failing Algebra is key to playing tennis. *la la la la la I am swimming in a river in Egypt~*

Wakato: Yes. Because of. Angles? And finding X? Wait. That doesn't even make SENSE. *laughs and grabs Kaji's hand in a fit of awkward bravery*

Kajimoto: I--er. Exactly. X's and angles and things. *distracted by his hand in Wakato's*

Wakato: ....But it doesn't make sense. Er. *looks down at hands with a stupid grin* Not that we need to, ah. Talk about Algebra.

Kajimoto: Er. We. Don't? *still staring* *rather confused look on face*

Wakato: I promised it didn't have to do with Algebra, didn't I? *shrugs* But you brought it up so you can't hold that against me! *bumps Kaji's shoulder to prove the point*

Kajimoto: This is true. I rather approve of this. *smiles slightly and bumps Waka's shoulder in return*

Wakato: Well. Good! *grins at him before realizing sunset is starting and he's NOT PAYING ATTENTION* *squeezes Kaji's hand* Look.

Kajimoto: *turns back to sunset* *watches in slight awe*

Wakato: *quite content to have a CALM evening for once*

Kajimoto: *unconsciously threads fingers through Waka's*

Wakato: *rubs his thumb over the back of Kaji's hand* *notices it's getting DARK now* *doesn't much care*

Kajimoto: *doesn't know what to think of this, so says nothing* *is happily serene now anyways* *leans shoulder against Waka's*

Wakato: *breaks handholding to wrap and arm around Kaji's waist* *grabs his OTHER hand* You know. It's starting to get dark. *doesn't really want to move*

Kajimoto: It is. *nods* *is rather comfortable the way he is, actually*

Wakato: *happy because Kaji didn't suggest leaving* Maybe we'll see a shooting star or something.

Kajimoto: Hm? Really? *looks at Wakato* I've never seen one before.

Wakato: REALLY? *looks back at Kajimoto* *is almost nose to nose* We'll have to find one then.

Kajimoto: No, have you? *is surprised to find Wakato so close to his face, but doesn't move* I'll have to think of a wish, then.

Wakato: A few times, yeah! *doesn't actually move his face* You will. Have to think of a wish, I mean. That's the important part.

Kajimoto: *closes eyes to think* *thinks for a few minutes and then opens his eyes again* All right. I have one.

Wakato: *thought Kajimoto looked completely adorable wit his eyes closed like that* *will never admit it* Me too.

Kajimoto: *turns head again to look for the shooting star* Tell me if you see it.

Wakato: Right. *still looking at Kajimoto* *so hopeless*

Kajimoto: *eyes scanning the sky* *frowns at the lack of a shooting star* Anything over there? *oblivious to Staring*

Wakato: Over whe-- Oh right. *actually looks at the sky for a change* Not yet.

Kajimoto: Oh. All right. *frowns* *really wants to see a shooting star*

Wakato: We might not....*spots one!* Look! Right there! *points*

Kajimoto: Where? *follows Waka's fingers and sees it!* *closes eyes to make his wish*

Wakato: *makes his wish too!* So. What did you wish for? *looks back at Kajimoto with a grin*

Kajimoto: I cannot tell you that. That would go against the rules.

Wakato: And of COURSE you have to follow the rules. *amused*

Kajimoto: Is that not what they are there for? *looks at Waka with stern expression on face*

Wakato: Of course not. *grins at him* They're made to be broken.

Kajimoto: People do not like things that are broken. *matter-of-fact*

Wakato: I guess it depends on the thing. *shrugs* I like my old broken tennis racket. Good memories!

Kajimoto: But. You cannot play with it anymore, can you? *playfully bumps shoulders with him again*

Wakato: Nope. But I still keep it! *bumps back* So tell me what you wished for!

Kajimoto: I thought we agreed I wasn't going to. *smiles teasingly*

Wakato: There was never any AGREEMENT about it. You just decided. *sticks tongue out at* *could probably lick Kaji's nose*

Kajimoto: Isn't it my decision to make? *has a strange urge to poke the other boy's nose* *settles for reaching up and stealing his hat*

Wakato: Hey! *mock-pouts* You already stole one of those!

Kajimoto: I tried to give it back. You were the one who refused it. *twirls it around index finger*

Wakato: Well. True. I liked the idea of you having my hat. *is not embarrassed, nope* But you have one now so I want that one back.

Kajimoto: Perhaps my wish was for this hat, Wakato-kun. *CLEARLY teasing*

Wakato: *actually not trying to get it back* It's the same hat! Honest, Kajimoto-kun, you really don't need two.

Kajimoto: *brings twirling hat to a stop between index finger and thumb* But this one smells like you.

Wakato: *mouth flops about like a fish* I. Er. The other one did when you took it too! Um. *has no idea what to say, really*

Kajimoto: *has clearly won this* *almost grins* *flops the hat back onto Wakato's head, not saying anything else*

Wakato: *is so bright red it's not even funny* You. You. *buries head in Kaji's shoulder* *mumbles* You're a weird sort of evil.

Kajimoto: *smiling genuinely now* Am I? I thought I was stuffy and boring. *pets Wakato's head*

Wakato: *would love to see that smile but is being PETTED asklfhjksafhsaf* Sometimes you're that too. When you have homework or something.

Kajimoto: It's not something that can be helped, sadly. *amused*

Wakato: *peeks up* You find this far too funny, don't you?

Kajimoto: I'm not sure what you're talking about, Wakato. Honestly. *looks completely innocent*

Wakato: You aren't half as clueless as you let on. I'm onto you! *glares from Kaji's shoulder* *probably is the weakest glare ever for that*

Kajimoto: Clueless about what, Wakato-kun? *would poke Wakato's nose if he was really evil*

Wakato: Things. *narrows eyes and wrinkles nose*

Kajimoto: Careful now. If you're a bit more specific, I might actually know what you're talking about. *:)*

Wakato: Things like me. Here. With you. Stargazing. Like this. *considers hiding again*

Kajimoto: Hm. Well. The stars are meant to be gazed at, no? *looks back at them again, satisfied*

Wakato: *would facepalm if his face weren't comfortably elsewhere* That last part of that was the important bit

Kajimoto: Hm? Which part? *has probably already forgotten*

Wakato: *props his chin on Kaji's shoulder* The "like this" part. *squeezes his waist gently for emphasis*

Kajimoto: O-oh. Right. *coughs and turns head, embarrassed and POSSIBLY blushing*

Wakato: *softly* Hey. *sits up a bit* Don't be embarassed.

Kajimoto: I-I'm not. I have nothing to be. Er. *awkward*

Wakato: Yeah you are. *gently touches Kaji's chin, turning his face back towards Wakato* But I guess that's alright. 'Cause I get embarrassed around you a lot.

Kajimoto: I--er. Why would you? *avoids Waka's gaze like the plague*

Wakato: Because. I. Er. *cups Kaji's cheek with his hand* Because I like you, you dense thing.

Kajimoto: Er. I. *can't pretend not to know what Wakato means this time* *figets* *blushes* I-- Er. You. Er. We. Er. *asjkhdakjsdhkuahdku*

Wakato: *has no idea what Kajimoto is trying to say* Um. What?

Kajimoto: *has no idea either* I. Er. That is. We have. Known each other. For a long time. Er. Wakato. *babbling*

Wakato: Uhhh. yeah. Yeah, we have. *has no clue what he's saying* *still*

Kajimoto: *has no idea either* Er. I don't. Er. *moves his hand slightly* *hesitates* *locks pinkie with Wakato's*

Wakato: *grins hugely* Not quite my wish, but I think that'll do.

Kajimoto: *looks at him curiously* What was your wish?

Wakato: *winks* Can't tell, now can I? But you can guess!

Kajimoto: Hm. *blushes slightly* *leans over and kisses him lightly on the temple* I've never been good at guessing. *unhooks pinky and gets up to stretch*

Wakato: *djfhjkasfjaksfjsaf* *falls over backwards when Kaji gets up and tilts his head to grin at him* Liar. That was ALMOST it.

Kajimoto: Hm? Sorry Wakato-kun. I don't believe I heard you. *offers hand down to pull him up*

Wakato: *takes the hand and stands* I said that was almost my wish exactly. Location was a bit off. *grinning*

Kajimoto: I'm sure I don't know what you mean. *turns innocently and gestures at the path* Shall we? I thought you said you would not keep me past my bedtime.

Wakato: *pouts but follows* I wanted my wish. But I guess I DID promise. Not that you thought it was necessary.

Kajimoto: Perhaps that is for another shooting star. *smiles and continues walk home*

Wakato: *catches up and takes Kaji's hand again* I'll keep an eye out.

kajiwaka = otp kthx

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