The Trickster's biggest trick of all may be that, in reality? He isn't a trickster. In fact, he's a whole lot more than that.
He's the archangel Gabriel.
Not that he'll go around advertising this to all and sundry; in fact, he'll take pains not to do it. In his own words, Gabriel's entered his "own private witness protection." During the first round of fights between God and His angels, the one that ended with Lucifer being cast out of Heaven, Gabriel -- sick of the bloodshed, unable to stand his brothers and his Father constantly being at each other's throats -- bailed and took on a new identity as
Loki. That means that on top of his well-honed expertise with illusions, Gabriel has the standard package of angel strengths and weaknesses, including teleportation, super-strength, the ability to exorcise demons with a touch, a susceptibility to holy fire, and a compulsion to get the hell out of Dodge if an angel-banishing sigil comes into play.
Now for the important bit. Gabriel's been playing at being a trickster for millennia now, and he's gotten good at it -- so unless your character would be able to tell exactly what an angel looks like, feels like, or whatever, as opposed to just picking up a general sense of "not human" from him, odds are they will NOT be able to discern his true identity. (Which means that if you play an angel yourself, yes, they would likely be able to tell he's not a true trickster. Whether he's specifically an archangel, though, and whether he's Gabriel besides? That's more of a case-by-case thing.)
That said, I am open to characters who could conceivably go OMGWTFARCHANGEL doing so if they run into him! All I ask is for OOC communication beforehand and possibly during the thread itself; this can be done over AIM (my SN is ironic segue), e-mail (inkblotted [at], or at the OOC contact post
here. Possible reactions on Gabriel's part could range from him vehemently denying it to getting tetchy to pulling a full-grade reality whammy on the other pup, hence the need for planning and some caution going into it. But yes. Just give me a nudge and we'll work something out. After all, it could be fun, and tricksters -- real or otherwise -- are all about having fun. :D