[ fic ] less is more

Jan 14, 2014 18:57

B1A4 | baro/girl!cnu | R | 1,700 w
warnings/notes: genderswap

prompt: “i’m honestly considering asking her if i can eat her out, as a friend.” (gently suggests girl!cnu/anyone for this) written for fourcoldpaws

“I’m honestly considering asking her if I can eat her out. You know, just…as a friend.”

“…who do you think you’re talking to?” Junghwa looks at Sunwoo with narrowed eyes and a half sneer on her lips.

He should probably shut up.

“I’m just trying to figure out how to word it.” And it’s not like he can’t shut up, it’s just that even if he didn’t talk about it the problem would remain there. How does he go about asking Woori if he can eat her out, or finger her, or just touch her breasts and kiss her in a completely not romantic way?

She’s stretched out on the couch, legs thrown over the arm rest. He stares at her feet, how she points her toes and tilts her ankles. It’s safe unlike the miles of naked leg and thin tank top, long brown hair splayed across the couch cushion all pretty and artful as if deliberately arranged. And, of course, she’s not wearing a bra.

Sometimes Sunwoo wonders if he even registers as male to Woori, the most revealing thing she wears out is skinny jeans but every time Sunwoo gets home he gets an eyeful.

“Are you waiting for me to tell you I made food?” Woori asks without looking up from her book.

There’s a lump in his throat when he tries to talk to her sometimes, he suspects it’s one of his balls clawing its way up, trying to talk for him.

“Did you?”

“In the microwave.”

“I’m pretty sure she’ll get that it’s not romantic if you say it exactly like that. She might punch you though,” Chansik comments with a laugh.

He’s no help at all.

“And throw you out of the apartment,” Jinyoung adds helpfully. His friends are no help at all.

“She wouldn’t punch me,” Sunwoo interrupts before they can say more. “Not really anyways.”

Woori does punch him sometimes, in that friendly, affectionate way. It would be so much easier if there was some way to have sex with her in a purely friendly, affectionate way. Like how she punches him. It would be so much easier if there was some way to do it without changing anything, without changing them. Roommates, best friends, the one person he can talk to about anything.

Except this.

They never talked about it, that one time they kissed, a little more than kissed.

What was he supposed to say? He’d been a little bit drunk and, as far as he knows, she hadn’t been drunk at all. They’d kissed, him leaning heavily on her and pushing her against her bedroom door. She’d brushed his hands away when he tried to grope his way into her pants, and he’d whined. He’d cooed ‘noona’ at her until she laughed and pressed kisses down the side of his face.

He remembers her grinning at him as she wedged her knee between his legs, pressed her thigh against his crotch.

“That’s all you get.”

They never talked about it the next day. He kept waiting for it to come up, day after day for the next few weeks, and it never did. If it made anything awkward it was on his end only, so what could Sunwoo say?

“Are you desperate or something? Or just plain crazy?” Junghwa asks as she smacks him with a magazine without restraint.


It’s an unfair question. Sunwoo hasn’t been in a relationship for more than half a year but he’s not desperate. And he’s not crazy. What’s so weird about finding Woori attractive?

Junghwa drops the magazine into his lap and plops into the chair across the table. She orders a coffee and a way overpriced slice of cake, largely because Sunwoo is paying.

“I just. Need to get it out of my system.”

She snorts and speaks to him slowly as if she thinks he’s the stupidest person she’s ever spoken to. “Not. How. It works.”

The coffee and cake comes then; Sunwoo doesn’t dare to say anymore, not when Junghwa has a very hot drink in her hand. He watches Junghwa blow at the foamy top of her drink. Woori has hers with a sprinkle of chocolate; maybe he’ll bring her back a drink.

“Why don’t you just ask her out?”

“That,” Sunwoo makes a face, he wrinkles his nose and his lips pull into an exaggerated frown. “That’s just not how I see her.”

He sees Woori every day, except sometimes when one of them is working overtime. He sees her when she wakes up in the morning, eyes open barely a slit and hair like a lion’s mane. He sees her when she’s fresh out of the shower, face pink from the steam, droplets of water clinging to her skin. He sees her when she’s stressed beyond belief and eating leftovers right out of the fridge without reheating it.

But mostly he sees her smile, he sees her laugh, he sees her through her half opened bedroom door murmuring goodnight.


“Yeah?” She rests her head against the door frame, waiting for him to continue. She smiles too, and maybe he’s imagining things but he thinks she knows.

“I was thinking,” he starts and flops.

“That’s new.”

“Shut up. I was thinking about. You know that,” Sunwoo takes a breath and tries not to choke.

“Remember when we’d just started sharing this place? That night when -”

“It was a good night,” she finishes for him. Woori steps out around her door, closing it behind her. “You know you’ve been talking to our mutual friends about…things you want to do with me.”


“So, naturally, I’ve been hearing about it.”

She grins wrly at him. She waits, gives him enough time to think ‘oh crap’ before stepping across their narrow hallway and kissing him. “If you go around talking to our friends about what you want to do with my vagina again, I’m going to punch you. And kick you out of the apartment.”

“I didn’t know how to ask you!”

“Well you don’t, or if you really have to ask you…ask nicely,” Woori says as she peels her panties off and plops herself on his bed. Sunwoo’s brain isn’t really working, for extremely good reasons like bare legs and butt, the soft curve of her stomach and her hips.

She gives him an expectant look as she settles herself on his bed, leaning back against the headboard, knees bent, legs spread a bit. Really, spread just enough to accommodate him. It makes his throat go dry and his head spin, so he’s quiet as he awkwardly settles himself between her legs. He can’t look away, his gaze lingering at the space between her belly button and her groin.

He clears his throat twice. “So what? Like…you want me to say please?”

She pinches his nose lightly, smiles all lopsided and sweet. “I’d appreciate that.”

“Please.” He closes his eyes as she runs a hand through his hair, his voice cracks and it takes him a second. “Please, noona.”

It’s strange, how his stomach stops churning at the sound of her laugh.

“Don’t you think you have your answer already?”

He runs his hands down her thighs to her knees, her skin a little bit cool but so smooth under his palm. He worries a little that his hand feels like sandpaper on her but Woori puts her hands over his until his fingers find the soft skin of her inner thighs.

Sunwoo raises his gaze to look at her face. Her face is just slightly flushed but she doesn’t look away. They don’t kiss but Sunwoo touches his lips to her knee and moves up, each touch light and barely there. He has her legs on either side of him and neither of them are cool anymore. He can feel the warmth radiating from her body; he’s so close that she most certainly feels him hovering.

“So?” Woori whispers, her hand settling in Sunwoo’s hair again. She twirls her fingers, lips quirking at the edges. “Are you just going to stare and breathe all over me?”

He rests a hand against her stomach; he feels how her abdomen clenches and relaxes, just like his.

“I’ve never done this for a girl before.”

She huffs, it’s barely a laugh, “Yeah, I kind of guessed that.” She knocks at his head lightly with the side of her knee. “Come on. Or don’t and let me put my underwear back on.”

Sunwoo slides his hand from her stomach back to her thighs, watches and feels the way his fingers dip into her skin. She pushes his hair back from his face, thumb rubbing circles at his brow.

He stops hovering.

He eats her out. He licks her, sucks on her clit while he fucks her with his fingers, he traces her opening with his tongue - he’s not sure he’s any good at all. But he hears her moans, her hips jerk in little staccatos, and he gives her a squeeze. He feels her pulling at his hair and the way her body clenches around his fingers; all he can do is try to memorise this moment. It’s not like they’re going to do this again.

He waits for her to come down from her high, for her to open her eyes and look at him. He squeezes at her thigh and kisses at her stomach until Woori tugs on his ears and looks down at him with a sated smile.


Sunwoo’s so hard he’s surprised he didn’t come just from getting her off. He’s way past being too proud to beg, he’s been past that point since before they started. “Woori.”

She cradles his face in her hands and shifts so that she can lean in to kiss the tip of his nose. Her hands guide him up, arranges the two of them so that they’re both on their sides facing each other.

“Can I,” he starts to ask but she shushes him with a finger to his lips. Woori gives him her half-moon smile and Sunwoo’s mouth goes dry. She nudges her bare leg between his and kisses him before he can try to speak again.

“That's all you get.”

b1a4, prompts, b1a4: baro, b1a4: cnu

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