[ fic ] b1a4 tumblr prompts/shorts

Nov 04, 2013 13:47

like everything & unlike anything | baro/gongchan | PG | 725 w

No one told him that kissing a bandmate is like being stung by a wasp. Or rather, waiting and anticipating a kiss from a bandmate is like waiting to be stung by a wasp. It hovers and buzzes, and he can’t run, so he stares it down and wonders how something so much smaller can be so intimidating.

Except Chansik is taller than him.

He has Sunwoo backed to a wall and he hovers, three centimeter (or more) height difference making it feel like Chansik is looming over him. It casts shadows in Chansik eyes that make him look like a totally different person. Sunwoo’s throat is dry and tight and he really needs to swallow - but he feels paralyzed as if moving will send them tumbling into each other.

He barely breathes, stare fixed on Chansik’s lips, and he can’t run.

This is all his fault.

It’s like how people say your life flashes in front of your eyes before you die except it’s not his life, it’s the past few months, and he’s not dying, he’s about to be kissed.

He should never have suggested the practice kissing scenario for the musical but it had seemed like a good idea at the time. It makes fun of his whole lap kiss issue and Chansik’s first kiss thing. The fans will love it, he’d been sure and time has proven him right.

But Chansik, always Chansik, takes things a step further than they expect.

Let’s kiss for real, for the final performance.

And like an unthinking idiot he’d agreed. If only someone had told him kissing (waiting to be kissed) their youngest would be like staring down a snake, ready to bite.

The first kiss is light. Chansik leans in and Sunwoo stares, going a little bit cross eyed trying to follow the approach of Chansik’s lips. He twitches, like his body is urging him to move forward, to quickly close the shrinking space. His mind’s racing and thinking thoughts like, the sooner this is over -

It’s light and soft and Sunwoo’s eyes fall close automatically when he feels Chansik’s lips on his.

Really? It’s your first kiss.

The second kiss is heavy. Chansik pulls back and Sunwoo breathes, he can smell the hairspray holding Chansik’s hair in place, he can smell the faint salt of his sweat. Sunwoo is not ready for the second kiss.

He spends the first quarter second staring blankly as Chansik’s lips moves against his, so certain and firm that it makes his head spin. Sunwoo, on the other hand, is clumsy and slow. It’s been months since his last kiss and that had been a peck, nothing like this, nothing like Chansik’s soft wet lips parting against his. He can’t think very well but thinking that Chansik is a good kisser requires no effort, it’s just that the thought throws Sunwoo off while he clumsily reciprocates.

It’s like learning a new language and Sunwoo’s getting it all wrong but Chansik is fluent. (How is he fluent?) Sunwoo finally closes his eyes again when he feels Chansik’s tongue slide along his lips; without thinking he parts his lips while Chansik tilts his head just so to deepen the kiss.

Then you better make it count.

The third kiss is not a kiss. Chansik licks his lips and he’s still hovering, still so close that the tip of his tongue catches against Sunwoo’s upper lip. Sunwoo is afraid to move, he’s pretty sure his heart is beating fast enough and loud enough to shake the walls.

Chansik rests his forehead against his. For a moment they close their eyes and count their breaths that rise and fall in time.

They’ll kiss on stage, for real, and everyone will see. It won’t be Chansik’s first kiss but it will be at the same time, people will stop bringing up that he’s never kissed and they’ll be able to move on. (Maybe instead they’ll be asked about the stage kiss but that doesn’t matter, yet.) Sunwoo wonders if maybe Chansik was sick of it, and that’s why he’d suggested the real kiss.

But then Chansik laughs. He’s rubbing his lower lip lightly with two fingers when he pulls back and he’s smiling so wide that the corners of his eyes crease.

“Hyung, do you really think that was my first kiss?”

prompt: shindeul + happy halloween video | G | 335 w

"Trick or Treat!"

Junghwan’s voice chimes loudly as he jumps out at him, arms spread out and the sucker in his mouth making one cheek round and puffy. Dongwoo’s smile spreads slow, like chocolate melting. He might have been startled if Junghwan hadn’t made too much noise from behind the closet door but he just smiles.

He tugs at the lollipop stick hanging out of the corner of Junghwan’s mouth. “You already have one.”

Junghwan pouts, eyes still bright, if he didn’t still have the candy in his mouth Dongwoo would kiss his candy stained lips. He tugs on the stick a little harder and doesn’t feel sorry for it at all.

“Not the point, hyung. And if you don’t give me a treat, I’ll…” Junghwan trails off, lips quirking into a grin again.


“I’ll tickle you!” Junghan’s fingers are on Dongwoo’s neck before he finishes his sentence. It makes Dongwoo squeal sharply, shuffling past Junghwan to get away from skittering fingers. They stumble through the room, falling into Dongwoo’s bed together when he catches Junghwan around his waist.

Junghwan’s fingers slow but don’t stop, teasing Dongwoo’s sensitive neck. Dongwoo’s laugh shakes them both as he scrunches his shoulders up to try to hide, twisting and making his turtle face to get away from Junghwan’s fingers. They’re both breathing a little harder when Dongwoo finally grabs Junghwan’s wrists to put a stop to the assault.

“Okay, okay. I’ll give you a treat.” He only lets go of Junghwan after he’s sure his fingers aren’t going to squirm back to the crook of his neck (and even when he does one hand settles at Junghwan’s waist anyways, because he can). “Here.”

Junghwan half sits up, holding up a cupped hand for Dongwoo to deposit his offering in. It’s plastic and light and not edible.

“I can’t eat this,” he tells Dongwoo with a half joking frown and Dongwoo finally pulls the candy out of his mouth.

“You shouldn’t have so much sugar before bed.”

prompt: cnu/gongchan - hands | PG | 615 w

Chansik likes how Dongwoo’s hands feel on him, whether it’s the feeling of his broad palm on the small of his back or soft fingertips brushing along the base of his neck. Sometimes when they’re alone he’ll trace the shell of Chansik’s ear with his index finger, tug on his earlobe lightly with a smile. It’s a confusing smile, sweet and warm, because it’s Dongwoo, but Chansik can never quite figure out what it means. Even when Dongwoo’s thumbs rub at his hips or when he presses his whole hand, warm and firm, against his waist that’s as far as it goes. For all the intent that Chansik feels in the heat and weight of Dongwoo’s hand it never goes further.

They’re alone and Dongwoo smiles his confusing smile and runs his hand along Chansik’s shoulder.

“Hyung.” Chansik catches Dongwoo by the wrist and urges him, pulls him, to sit on the bed next to him.

His smile melts away and he purses his lips in question but doesn’t say anything. Chansik smiles, he’s not sure if he hopes that it’s as confusing to Dongwoo as it is to him or if he hopes that his intent is crystal clear.

Chansik straddles Dongwoo’s thighs, he tilts his head and he thinks he can see a faint quiver in Dongwoo’s jaw from how he’s clenching his teeth. Relax, he wants to say, it’s just me, it’s just us - but he’s not sure what is just about them.

“Hyung,” he says again and trails his fingers along Dongwoo’s jaw and under his chin. Dongwoo breathes in sharply and swallows, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down, Chansik feels it under his fingers.

Dongwoo’s hands are clenched in the bed sheets; he’s not touching Chansik. This isn’t unexplored territory, not at all, but even after all this time it doesn’t feel familiar. Dongwoo is breathing hard, tense and nervous, as Chansik strokes the back of his hand and pries his fist loose. He brings Dongwoo’s hand up and kisses the back of his hand. Dongwoo’s fingers curl, almost like he wants to pull away but he doesn’t.

His hand is soft except for slight callouses at his fingertips; he’s been playing guitar more often lately and there are little dips forming where he presses down on the strings. Chansik laps at the fingertips, just to feel them one more way. He’s tempted to take a finger into his mouth and suck on it. He’d like to really taste Dongwoo’s skin, but he’s also a bit worried about scaring him off, scaring them both off, so he just holds Dongwoo’s hand. He’s straining against his pants, he doesn’t need to look to know that it’s the same for Dongwoo. They’re both burning up, he feels it from their interlaced fingers.

“Channie.” Dongwoo’s voice cracks when he speaks, his gaze is skittish when he looks up at him. There’s a question in there but he doesn’t manage to ask more than Chansik’s name.

Chansik shakes his head, teeth scraping against Dongwoo’s knuckles. He lets Dongwoo’s hand drop and wraps his arms around his shoulders instead. It feels just as good as Dongwoo’s hands resting on his waist and just as confusing. He’s not sure what Dongwoo wants and Chansik isn’t sure he knows what he wants either.

“Channie,” Dongwoo says again, voice more steady after a few long minutes and hot has cooled to warm. “Can I kiss you?”

Dongwoo’s smile is still confusing but Chansik finds that knowing isn’t that important, for now anyways. They press their lips together lightly; their lips are a little bit dry and a little bit cold but Chansik likes how this feels too.

prompt: cnu/gongchan - eyebrows | G | 100 w

Sometimes all it takes is a quirk of an eyebrow. They’ll look at each other from opposite sides of the van, or across the room, or even across the stage. Chansik looks over, catching Dongwoo’s gaze and there it is - a quirk of an eyebrow paired with that crooked grin.

Chansik returns the look, biting back a laugh.

“Hey,” Dongwoo says sweetly from one end of the couch.

“Hey,” Chansik returns with a waggle of his eyebrows.

“Hey,” Sunwoo says from between the two of them, glares at one then the other. “Do you mind? Just get a room already.”

fic, b1a4, b1a4: sandeul, b1a4: gongchan, prompts, b1a4: baro, b1a4: cnu

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