12. It's
_screamo_'s b-day!
Happy birthday (if you still read this!)!
13. I can now read comics on my DS!
I found a little homebrew program that lets me read comics on my DS! It's pretty sweet, with zoom in/zoom out, page bookmarks, horizontal and vertical view, preview page or full screen, etc. You simply patch your jpg files (from comic book torrents) and stick'em in your card and it's ready to read on the go!
You can download it here! This morning in the metro I was reading Maus and Hellboy.
But why don't you read REAL COMICS in the metro, you say? Because I've read everything I own, because I buy a lot of comics already and finish them in a day or two, because I don't have enough money to buy all the trade paperbacks I want to read, and because I don't feel like bringing 12 comics in my bag.
But aren't you killing the comics industry? No, I'm not, like I said, I buy tons of comics every month, especially lots of indie stuff, so I'm helping the industry a bit already. I guess I'm not going to artist paradise though... :S
14. There's a M83 show in Montreal on may 31st.
And I'm going. Who else is going?
15. Free food this morning, as on every friday! Bagels, banana cake and fruits!
Yum yum!