Good things, everyone

Apr 03, 2008 00:10

The next couple weeks are going to be rough, so I'm gonna list good things that happened during my day whenever I get the chance.

I ordered 5 new t-shirts from Threadless, they got in today, they all fit and they all look great (except that needle one, it's fine, but it's, um, ununique). They were cheap (totaling less than 60$ shipping included!!) and they look totally fresh and cool. Yay!

2. We got a Wii version of The Price is Right up and running!
It's mostly a technical achievement on the programmers' behalf, but I'm glad I can play a game I designed on a nintendo console! This is such a great feeling! I wish I could go back in time and go tell that to my 6-year old self so that he could brag about it at school! By the way, today The Price is Right is 4th on IWIN.COM (we were 2nd on saturday, and the first game is owned and promoted by the site, so technically we were first!), 2nd on (same thing here, their number one is their own game, so they're cheating its position), 14th on BIGFISHGAMES (which is REALLY good considering their top 10 algorithm is weird), and so on. I've seen the game in the top 10 of a good number of casual games websites! We also got a 4.5/5 review from GAMEZEBO.COM! THIS IS AWESOME!!!

3. I finished new songs (Rush, Boston, Weezer and Grateful Dead) on the first try on HARD difficulty!
I'm getting real good and real comfortable with the Rock Band drums and it's a great feeling to rock out on really hard songs. I just gotta find a way to finish those damn Metallica songs...

4. I worked until 11pm today and I finished a great mock-up for a new feature in Hell's Kitchen!
My boss and DA were happy with it! Yay! I love working in flash and rushing out some very useful mockups.

5. I got a FREAKIN' DISHWASHER for my new place!!!
A friend of mine's getting rid of his portable dishwasher and I got it for peanuts! This is gonna save my life! The main thing I am lazy about in the house is those damn dishes, and that problem's now solved! BooYAH!

6. I got a great idea for DOM2D and another one for PILULE ROSE
As always, I'm thinking about Pilule Rose every single day, trying to make it as good and clear as possible, and today I moved an inch further towards that goal!

7. We at LUDIA had FREE DONUTS this morning and free PIZZA tonight! FREE FOOD!
Not the best food for a guy who's trying to lose weight, but hey, free food doesn't count, right?!

8. Andrew Lorenzi's MAKING COMICS AGAIN!!!
On lorenzivsrosen, Ben Rosen and Lorenzi took a challenge and draw a comic a day! Great stufffffff!!!!! I'm excited!!!

That's about it for today, I'm forgetting some, I know, but now I'M OFF TO BED! YAAAAAAA!
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