get off your fucking cross

Mar 21, 2004 23:16

arrite, another day LANning at matt jackson's. that seems to be all i do anymore. played some C&C, DoD, and CS. it was fun. i found out it's wednesday that i go up to san antonio and return friday. :-/ sucks, i wanted to go surfing at the beach or something...too bad i suck so much. anyway, this not having cash business is really starting to get on my nerves. i've had to rely on matt to buy me food for the last coupla days and it's embarrassing and i'm sure it's irritating him. well...matt pwned me at C&C cause the damn GLA sucks so much cock...but i guess their defense is ok...
that is all

so long
we wish you well
you told us how you weren't afraid to die
well so long
don't cry
or feel too down
not all martyrs see divinity
but at least you tried

come down
get off your fucking cross
we need the fucking space
to nail the next fool martyr
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