Feb 15, 2004 22:37
y'know, every once in a while i strive to post something really thought-provoking on this here livejournal. i think tonight i'm going to rant about bush and his total lack of caring about the environment. a while ago, he considered drilling in an alaskan wildlife refuge for oil. he was met with considerable resistance, so he backed off from the idea. now that he's coming down to his last couple of months in office, he's decided to kick it up again. now, i'm all for lowering the gas prices, but at what cost? does this mean he wants to disturb so much of the surrounding ecosystem to get at a little bit of oil that will more than likely not change the price of oil, and only postpone the inevitable? what if there's an accident? does anyone remember the exxon valdez and all the touble it caused? what if something happened up where they're trying to drill? the results will be catastrophic. i implore everyone to write their rep. and yell and scream and bitch about what this this tyrannical dictator could potentially do to the environment. now all that are of legal age and are not registered to vote, please register and vote bush out of office. kerry seems to be our best bet. he's not the one that i would have chosen originally, but he's the leader right now, and it seems like he has the best chance to beat bush. according to my loevely sister, kc, kerry is moderate enough that even republicans will vote for him, even though he classifies himself as a democrat. so everyone, please, do what you can to get bush to stop this destruction of the environment! we have altered it greatly in the few thousand years in which we have played an active role. if we do not do something drastic to help the environment NOW, it won't last long. please
that is all
i've become what i always hated when i was with you then
we looked like giants in the back of my gray sub-compact
fumbling to make contact as the others slept inside