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Taxis are evil, evil things.
THey were the bane of the earth, and to Erich, only ranked above the wheelies eh saw children roll past him in the street wearing. Some things just shouldn't exist.
Taxis were one of them.
So- being the ever intelligent man Erich is, when he goes on a date? With a real person?
He uses a taxi.
It was an ironic joke that not even the comedians would touch.
She was beautiful, but then, of course she would be... he had flowers, freshly pressed slacks and a bit too much deodorant. However- being safe is always better than being sorry.
Jason's Deli wasn't really a typical date place, but then, this was New York, surly she would have been to all of the typical date places.
God he hoped he wasn't going to mess this up.
Erich was never, never getting a girl's number while intoxicated again.