1st Sacrifice [IC Intro!]

Nov 21, 2011 00:06

[Waking up in an unfamiliar bed was strange enough. Seeing pictures of yourself with an unfamiliar woman and children was even stranger.

The ID in his wallet said Czerno Bog. Strange, but amusing enough. His home address being Mayfield though? No discernible state or zip code on the licence.

The woman downstairs called him "Dear" and informed him that breakfast was ready. The kids had already gone to school. None of this made much sense. First things first, call someone who might know a thing or two about nasty tricks.

Picking up the phone, at least familiar with older phones, he dialed out long distance in hopes of reaching an old friend. Sadly, that sort of thing never worked in this town.]

[Phone | Accidentally to the whole town.]


This is Czernobog. I am calling for Mr. Nancy.

It is old friend of his.

[Action | Around town]

[An older man, looking a bit agitated and concerned would walk through town.

He's not approaching anyone, but anyone who comes to near would get a distracted wave.]

Yes, yes, hello.

[Action | Mayfield General Store]

[The troubled, older man is now at the register.]

Yes, I want pack of Camels.

[Muttered mostly to himself.]

I fondly remember time when they were this cheap.

action, cigarettes, intro, mayfield general store, phone, 503 ricardo street, czerno bog

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